Predictive Maintenance
This programme introduces maintenance strategies and maintenance planning, including predictive maintenance strategy. The programme will cover practicing condition monitoring techniques, including Vibration Analysis, Acoustic Emission Monitoring, Oil Analysis, and their industrial applications. All attendees will be encouraged to join the condition monitoring Project Competition.
Introduction to maintenance and maintenance planning.
Maintenance strategies and predictive maintenance.
Condition monitoring techniques; Vibration Analysis, Acoustic Emission Monitoring, Oil Analysis.
Industrial applications on machinery vibration analysis.
Maintenance planning.
Development of intelligent condition Monitoring Systems using Artificial Intelligence.
Activité s'adressant à
- Alumnado universitario
- Profesorado
- Profesionales
28 08 2019
“Machine Learning“
- Basilio Sierra Araujo | UPV/EHU - Profesor
“Pair-wise classification“
- Iñigo Mendialdua Beitia | UPV/EHU - Profesor
29 08 2019
“Data Analysis“
- Itziar Irigoien Garbizu | UPV/EHU - Profesora
“Computer Vision Approaches“
- Naiara Aginako Bengoa | UPV/EHU - Profesor
30 08 2019
- Estibaliz Aranzabe | IK4-TEKNIKER - Investigadora Senior
- Amaya Igartua Aranzabel | IK4-TEKNIKER - Investigadora Senior

Basilio Sierra Araujo
Facultad de Informática. UPV/EHU
Full Professor in the ComputerSciences and Artificial Intelligence Department at theUniversity of the Basque Country. He received his B.Sc.in Computer Sciences in 1990, M.Sc. in ComputerScience and Architecture in 1992 and Ph.D. in Compu-ter Sciences in 2000 at the University of the BasqueCountry. He is codirector of the Robotics and Autono-mous Systems Group in Donostia-San Sebastian. Prof.Sierra is presently a researcher in thefields of Roboticsand Machine Learning, and he is working on the use ofdifferent paradigms to improve behaviours.

Naiara Aginako Bengoa
Naiara Aginako Bengoa got a degree in Telecommunications Engineering from the University of the Basque Country in 2005. From 2003 until 2005, she collaborated the Signal Processing and Communication Group of the Electronics and Telecommunications department. She developed and managed research projects in Vicomtech from 2005 until 2015, in the Digital Media Department. Since 2015 she has been teaching in the Polytechnic School of Donostia and the Faculty of Informatics. She received her PhD in Image Analysis and Content-Based Retrieval of images and video. Her work as a researcher counts on a number of publications and on two patents.

Estibaliz Aranzabe
Dr. Amaya Igartua, is actually the Coordinator of European Actions in Materials in the Research Institution IK4-TEKNIKER and co-secretary of the European Platform of Materials EUMAT. She has been during the last 10 years, the Head of the Tribology Unit in IK4-TEKNIKER a team of 22 researchers with 8 PHD. She has been participating in 50 EU Projects coordinating 3 of them, and she is author of >200 publications in Congress, Papers and Book chapters. She has been active in COST 516 Tribology, COST 532 Tribotechnology of engines and transmissions, COST 533 Biotribology, in VTI (Virtual Tribology Institute), in ENIWEP (Eureka action for Wear prevention), in E-Surf (Eureka Umbrella for functional Surfaces). Now she is active in European Materials Modelling Council (EMMC), in European Materials Characterization Council (EMCC), in JTI Biomass for Industry, in KMM (European Virtual Institute on Knowledge-based Multifunctional Materials), X-Tribology Competence Center, Network of plastics.

Itziar Irigoien Garbizu
She received her PhD in Computer Sciences in 2008 at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). She is currently an associate professor in the CSAI Department at the University of the Basque Country since 2011. She is member of the research group RSAIT which works in in the area of mobile robotics, where statistical and machine learning techniques are applied in order to increase the degree of autonomy of our robots. Her research interests also include the development of new statistical methods to solve bioinformatics and biomedical questions, particularly focusing on distances based data analysis techniques. The publications include journals indexed by the Journal Citation Report (JCR). She participates regularly in relevant conferences in the field.

Iñigo Mendialdua Beitia
Received the B.Sc. Degree in Com-puter Science from the University of the Basque Coun-try, Spain, in 2007 and is pursuing the Ph.D. degreefrom the Department of Computer Science and Artifi-cial Intelligence, University of the Basque Country. Hiscurrent research interests include distance-based algo-rithms, multi-classifiers and decomposition strategies.
Tarifs inscription
MATRÍCULA | jusqu'au 31-05-2019 | jusqu'au 25-08-2019 | jusqu'au 28-08-2019 |
81,00 EUR | - | - | |
48,00 EUR | - | - | |
20,00 EUR | - | 20,00 EUR | |
- | 0 EUR | - | |
- | - | 95,00 EUR | |
- | - | 500,26 EUR |