Science et technologie
Topological Matter School 2024 (TMS24)

Topological Matter School 2024 (TMS24)

19.Aoû - 23. Aoû, 2024 Cod. Z18-24


Flat band materials offer a platform for enhancing correlation effects, rendering them an area of significant current interest. They present exceptional opportunities for exploring topology in correlated settings and correlation physics enriched by topology. Recent experiments on correlated kagome metals and moiré systems have unveiled evidence of peculiar behaviors, including strange-metal characteristics, charge density waves, nematic orders, and fractional Chern insulators within flat-band materials.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Introduction to band theory and symmetry indicators
  • Topological Flat bands and quantum geometry
  • Heavy fermion systems
  • Morié systems
  • Kagome metals and charge density waves
  • Strange metals


Maia G. Vergniory (DIPC, Max Planck)

Reyes Calvo (Universidad de Alicante)

Santiago BlancoCanosa (DIPC, Ikerbasque)

Adolfo Grushin (Institut NEEL – CNRS)

Alexander Altland (University of Cologne)

Julen Ibañez Azpiroz (CFM, Ikerbasque)

Lire la suite


Throughout this school, our objective is to delve into the study of flat bands and these systems, as well as the intriguing physical phenomena they manifest, under the guidance of world-leading experts

Activité s'adressant à

  • Étudiants universitaires
  • Professionnels


  • Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
  • Transregional Collaborative Research Center 183 (CRC183)
  • Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft FOR 5249 (QUAST)


Maia García Vergniory

Donostia International Physics Center

Tarifs inscription

Registration feesjusqu'au 21-07-2024
400,00 EUR

Lieu de l'événement

Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


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