9th European Congress on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism (EESAP 9) and 2nd International Congress on Advanced Construction (CICA 2)

9th European Congress on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism (EESAP 9) and 2nd International Congress on Advanced Construction (CICA 2)

10.Sep - 12. Sep, 2018 Cod. A01-18


The 9th edition of the European Congress on Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Architecture and Urbanism (EESAP 9) and the 2ndInternational Congress on Advanced Construction (CICA 2) approach the issue of Smart Communities, which is based on the need to incorporate human scale and its nearby area as an essential variable for cities intelligent management, as a consequence of current society’s aim to achieve higher levels of life quality. As in previous editions, the congress is especially aimed at professionals, researchers and students for its academic character.

Since the EESAP8/CICA1 edition, the conference has extended the scope of scientific and technical diffusion to the entire innovative construction sector. Furthermore, it is opened to the business sector, due to their close relationship to meet current social demands on business innovation for achieving higher quality of life.

Once again, the organizing committee has opted for innovative and current interest subjects to promote an atmosphere in which professionals, researchers, students and companies will be able to interact and exchange knowledge with the aid of lectures, round-tables, research communications and collaborative innovation workshops (networking). The two congresses will take place during the same days and will share part of the programme and the main lectures. Meanwhile, the research presentations will discuss the specific subjects, while the workshops will promote collaborative projects. The oral presentation sessions will be held in different rooms and the attendees may choose among them.

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To discuss the need to incorporate the human scale as variable for the intelligent and sustainable management of cities.

To discuss the need of development towards intelligent sustainability by means of advanced construction techniques.

To achieve a strategic confluence between education-research-manufacture.

To connect the different stakeholders of building industry in order to increase competitiveness using new technologies in the activities that a broad experience is needed and they have a prominent position, all within a collaborative business environment.


  • Common registration: 150 €
  • Authors’ registration (bonus, first author only):  100 €

First authors must present the bonus proof obtained from the organizing committee in their registration.

  • Students’ registration (bonus): 100 €

The organizing committee will grant the students that justify their status at the following email: info@eesap.eu. Students must present the bonus proof obtained from the organizing committee in their registration.

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  • EESAP 9/CICA 2 es una iniciativa de ) y de ERAIKUNE (Clúster de la construcción del País Vasco).
  • CAVIAR. Grupo de investigación en calidad de vida en arquitectura. UPV/EHU
  • ERAIKUNE (Clúster de la construcción del País Vasco)


Rufino Javier Hernández Minguillón

UPV/EHU, Arquitectura

PhD Architect UNAV (1991), Master in Building UNAV (1993), lecturer at the ETSA-UNAV (1984 and 2003), lecturer at the UPV/EHU (since 1997), Professor (2020). ANECA and ANEP assessor in the area of Civil Engineering and Architecture. Founder of the architectural firm AH Asociados. Member of the board of directors of the Basque Construction Cluster ERAIKUNE (2013-) and vice-president (2013-2016). Director of the Master Degree in Sustainable Construction and Energy Efficiency (UPV/EHU). Member of the Academic Committee of the University Master Degree in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Building and Urban Planning (UPV/EHU). Director of the Master Degree in Advanced Construction (UPV/EHU). Head of CAVIAR Research Group, IT1135-16 (UPV/EHU). Researcher in: eco-efficient industrialised construction, inclusive eco-efficient urban planning, smart architecture and urban planning.


Marc Bach Bonet

La Salle. Universidad Ramon Llull

Albert Cuchí Burgos

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Matias Del Campo

José Fariña Tojo

Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Dr. Arquitecto, Licenciado en Derecho, Técnico Urbanista del IEAL y Máster en Organización de Empresas. Catedrático de Universidad. Profesor de numerosos cursos de postgrado en España, Italia, Francia y varios países latinoamericanos. Fue director de la revista Urban y en la actualidad lo es de Ci[ur]. Miembro del Consejo de Redacción de CF+S, del Comité Científico de las revistas TRIA, RETICULA, URBS, PLANUR-e y del Comité Hábitat español. Ha realizado numerosos planes de Urbanismo y de Protección del Patrimonio Histórico, del Medio Natural y de Paisaje, así como Catálogos de Patrimonio Urbano y Medio Natural. También ha sido Jefe de Proyectos de SODETEG (Societé d'études techniques et d'entreprises generales) y Director Gerente de OTAPLAN SA. Ha leído más de 150 ponencias en Congresos Nacionales e Internacionales y dirigido más de 38 tesis doctorales (23 con la calificación de cum laude). Forma parte del grupo de consolidado de investigación de la UPM.

Francisco López Groh

Margarita Marcos Muñoz

Universidad del País Vasco UPV/EHU

Dr. Marga Marcos is professor in Automatic Control and Systems Engineering at the University of the Basque Country, where she was Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Engineering (1990-1993). She was chair of the Automatic Control and Systems Engineering Department for more than 10 years (1995–2005). She has co-authored more than 200 technical papers in international journals and conference proceedings. She has acted as the main researcher of more than 80 research projects funded by National and EU R&D programmes. She serves on technical committees of IFAC (AARTC, WRTP, CC), IEEE (NBCS, ICPS) and she was Chair of the IFAC TC ‘Computer for Control’ for 2014-2017, member of the European Control Association Council, the National Organizing Committee of IFAC Spain, Publication Co-Chair for the IEEE CDC Conference (2005) and General Co-Chair of the IEEE International Conference ETFA 2010.

Ponente Pendiente De confirmar

Joan Lluis Zamora I Mestre

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

Benjamin Martín Schwarzler

Raül Serra i Fabregà

Universidad Politécnica de Cataluña

· Doctor Arquitecto por la Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (2017). “Excelente Cum Laude”. · Profesor Asociado de las asignaturas de Grado en Estudios de Arquitectura – UPC, Tecnologia a l’Arquitectura I, Instalaciones de Acondicionamiento III y Construcción II · Autor de la investigación “La urbanitzación y edificación de los polígonos industriales en Catalunya: estado actual de conservación y retos de rehabilitación (2013): el caso de Mataró” · Ponencias en: Congreso REHABEND 2014 Debate del Círculo de Infraestructuras de la Cambra de Comercio de Sant Feliu de Guíxols 2017 Congreso REfabriCAT 2017

Registration fees

REGISTRATIONUntil 30-06-2018Until 10-09-2018
100,00 EUR -
100,00 EUR -
150,00 EUR150,00 EUR
- 20,00 EUR


Bizkaia Aretoa-UPV/EHU

Avenida Abandoibarra, 3. 48009- Bilbao



Bizkaia Aretoa-UPV/EHU

Avenida Abandoibarra, 3. 48009- Bilbao
