Privacy policy
Company details
In accordance with the information society services and e-commerce act, Law 34/2002 of 11th July , the identifying details of the entity responsible for the website are given below.
Corporate name: FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU Fiscal ID code/National ID Nº: G20448056
Corporate headquarters: Palacio Miramar. Paseo Miraconcha 48, 20007 San Sebastian (Gipuzkoa)
Registered in the Register of Foundations under Nº GIP-49
Phone number: 943219511
Fax: 943219598
Intellectual Property
The source code, graphics, images, photographs, sounds, animations, software, texts, as well as the information and content included in this website are protected by Spanish laws on intellectual and industrial property rights in favour of FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU prohibiting the reproduction and / or publication of all or part of the website, or its computer processing, distribution, dissemination, or its modification, transformation or descompilation, or any other legally recognized rights of its owner, without the prior written permission from the FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU.
The user is the only party that may use the material contained on this website for his/her personal and private use, and it is prohibited to use it for commercial purposes or in illegal activities. All intellectual property rights are expressly reserved by FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU.
FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU shall ensure compliance of the above-mentioned conditions such as the correct use of the contents presented on its website, exercising all civil and criminal actions that may apply in the case of infringement or violation of these rights by the user.
Personal Data Protection
Every time this website is used it will be covered by the Privacy Policy in force at the time, and the text of this policy must be read to ensure the user is in agreement with it. In accordance with the stipulations of EU Regulation 679/2016 and the personal data protection and guarantee of rights act, Organic Law 3/2018, you are informed that the data supplied by you and those generated during our relationship are processed and added to files under the responsibility of the Fundación Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU for the following purposes:
- organising teaching and university outreach activities,
- administrative management and maintenance of our relationship
- dealing with your enquiries and requests, and sending messages by any means in relation to the Foundation's activities.
Processing is legitimised by the data subject's consent, given explicitly and unequivocally by completing, sending and/or handing in the forms placed at their disposal, as well as provision of the associated service.
Their data may not be transferred without their consent except in the cases stipulated by law.
Storage of the data will be determined by FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV/EHU's legal obligation to keep them. After these periods the data will be destroyed or deleted. Rights of access, rectification, cancellation, portability, limitation of processing and withdrawal of the consent given may be exercised by writing, enclosing a copy of an identity document, to the attention of the Data Protection Delegate at Fundación Cursos de Verano, Paseo Miraconcha 48 (Palacio Miramar), 20007 San Sebastián (Gipuzkoa) or by sending an email message to mailto: If further information is required about the processing of personal data this may be consulted on the website
a.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU may modify any information contained on its website, as well as its settings and presentation, without providing any prior notice of the same.
b.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU undertakes not to PUBLISH ANY MISLEADING ADVERTISING through this medium. Therefore, for this end, any formal or numeric errors that may be found within the content of the various sections of the FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU website will not be considered as misleading advertising, that are the result of maintenance and / or incomplete or faulty update the information contained in these sections. As a result of the provisions of this section, FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU undertakes to correct such errors as soon as it becomes aware of the same.
c.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU undertakes NOT TO SEND OUT ANY COMMERCIAL NOTIFICATIONS WITHOUT IDENTIFYING IT AS SUCH, in accordance with the provisions of Law 34/2002 governing information society and electronic commerce services. For this purpose, no information sent to customers or those attending FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU activities will be considered to be commercial notifications, provided that the purpose of the same is to maintain the relationship between the individual and FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU, as well as the performance of the information and training tasks and other activities of the foundation.
d.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU will not be liable for the breach of any applicable regulation that may be incurred by the user's access to the website this website and / or use of the information contained therein.
e.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU shall not be liable for any damages caused or likely to occur from the use of information, the material contained on this website and the programs included in the same, regardless of the nature of the same. The links and hypertext that allow the user to access features and services, through the website, offered by third parties do not belong to and are not under the control of FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU; where this company is not responsible for either the information contained therein, or any effects that might result from such information.
f.- FUNDACION CURSOS DE VERANO DE LA UPV EHU is not liable for any illegitimate use that third parties may make of the brand names, product names, trademarks that while not owned by that entity, appear on this website. It is also not liable for the integrity, veracity and legality of the content of links to websites which can be accessed from this website.
g.- Ultimately, the user is solely responsible for the use made of services, content, links and hypertext included on this website.