![Challenges of Basque identity in the 21st century Challenges of Basque identity in the 21st century](/sites/default/files/styles/uik_actividad_thumbnail/public/cursos/curso1791.jpg?itok=SbYv1PCN)
Challenges of Basque identity in the 21st century
When we have almost passed the first quarter of the 21st century, society is transforming at an exponential rate. It can be said that we live in the middle of a change of era. Digitization, artificial intelligence, climate change, demographic change, migratory movements and other profound changes are enormously conditioning and modifying the world we live in and will do so even more in the coming years. This transformation, the effects of which are not yet known, will plunge all of humanity into great uncertainties and completely transform the way we interact with each other. Undoubtedly, all these changes will have a profound global impact on the reproduction of the different identities of future generations. This being the case, what will be the foundation of Basque identity at the beginning of the 21st century? Can we assure the survival of our identity? What are our risks and strengths, as well as our threats and opportunities? What will be the foundations for the reproduction of the Basque identity in this century of transformation? What are our challenges as a country? This workshop aims to offer a space for debate among different people on all these issues. We will talk about identity, we will analyze examples from other countries, and we will talk about Basque identity in the Basque Country and in the world, as well as the challenges and ways to reproduce it in the 21st century.
Reflect on the evolution of peoples' identities in the age of digitalisation.
Study the impact of the changes that have taken place over the XXI. century on the identity of peoples.
Talk to different people about the challenges of Basque identity.
Debate on the risks, strengths, threats and opportunities for the development of the Basque identity.
Reflection on the development of Basque identity outside the Basque Country.
Activity directed to
- All public
Presentation by the Director of the activity
- Sebastian Zurutuza Mujika | Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
- Fernando Tapia Alberdi | UPV/EHU
- Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika | UPV/EHU - Irakasle katedraduna
Sarrerako hitzaldia
“Nortasunaren kontzeptutik Euskal Nortasunaren erronketara XXI. mendean“
- Onintza Odriozola Irizar | UPV/EHU - Irakaslea
- Joseba Sarrionandia Uribelarrea | Idazlea, poeta, itzultzailea
“Nortasunaren garapena hainbat herritan: Zer ikas dezakegu Eskoziatik?“
- Iratxe Esnaola Arribilaga | Telesforo Monzon eLab - Presidentea
- Mireia Zarate Aguirre | Sabino Arana Fundazioa - Presidentea
“Zer ikas dezakegu Eskoziatik? “
- Billy Kay | Idazlea
“Zer ikas dezakegu Kataluniatik? “
- Salvador Cardus | Bartzelonako Unibertsitate Autonomoa
“Zer ikas dezakegu Georgiatik?“
- Dhato Turavishvili | Antzerkigilea, nobelagilea eta itzultzailea
“Euskal nortasunaren garapena eta erronkak Euskal Herriaren diasporan“
- Imanol Galdos Irazabal | Donostiako Udala - Kultura Saileko Nazioarteko Arazoetako zuzendaria
The Basque identity from diaspora perspective
- Peter Loge | George Washington University - Associate Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs
Euskal nortasunaren garapena Estatu Batuetan
- Anne Marie Chiramberro | Hella Basque
Euskal nortasunaren garapena Argentinan
- julieta Gaztañaga | Universidad de Buenos Aires - Investigadora del CONICET y Profesora Adjunta del Departamento de Antropología
Euskal nortasunaren garapena Euskal Herrian
“Nola sustatu daiteke euskal nortasunaren garapena XXI. Mendean? “
- Urko Aiartza Azurtza | TMeLab
- Mikel Burzako Samper | SAF
“Gazte baten ekarpena“
- Maialen Goirizelaia Altuna | UPV/EHU - Irakaslea
“Nagusi baten ekarpena Juan Jose Ibarretxe lehendakaria“
- Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu | Agirre Lehendakari Center - Zuzendaria
“Gizarte berrikuntza euskal nortasunaren balioetatik“
- Naiara Goia Imaz | Berrikuntza Sozialerako Arantzazulab Laborategia - Zuzendaria
“Euskal nortasunak nazioartean eta sarean presentzia areagotzeko lagun dezake? “
- Mikel Burzako Samper | Sabino Arana Fundazioa
- Mireia Zarate Aguirre | Sabino Arana Fundazioa - Presidentea
“Euskal nortasunak enpresen nazioarteratzea lagun dezake? “
- Iñigo Albizuri | MONDRAGON
“Kultur eragileen ikuspuntua “
- Jon Maya Sein | Kukai Dantza taldearen zuzendaria eta koreografoa
“Euskal nortasunaren garapena sarean“
- Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri | Puntu Eus - Marketin eta Komunikazio Zuzendaria
“Mugaz gaindiko campusak bultzatzeko euskal nortasunaren balioa“
- Igor Campillo | Euskampus fundazioa - Zuzendaria
Round table: “Gazteek nola bizi dute euskal nortasuna XXI. mendean? Tafalla edo Tuterako baten bat, Kirol munduko baten bat (konfirmatzeke)“
- Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika | EHU/UPV - Irakasle katedraduna (Moderator)
- Oihana Zamponi-Galé | Eusko Ikaskuntza - Iparraldeko komunikazio-arduraduna eta Eusko-Diapora proiektuaren koordinatzailea
- Beñat Hach Embarek
- Eneko Axpe
- Edurne Benito del Valle
- kirol munduko gaztea
- Edurne Leon Sanchez
Institutional Closing session
- Eva Ferreira Garcia | UPV/EHU - Errektorea
- Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika | EHU/UPV - Irakasle katedraduna
Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika
UPV/EHU, Ingeniería de Comunicaciones
Iñaki Goirizelaia is a full professor of Telematics Engineering at the University of the Basque Country(UPV/EHU). He was president of UPV/EHU from 2009 to 2017, Vice-rector for University Enterprise Relations from 1998 to 2000, Vice-rector of the Academic Organization area in 2004 and Vice-rector of the Bizkaia Campus from 2005-2008. He was a Visiting Fellow at Stanford Research Institute in California in 1984 and 1985 and later he spent six months in 2004 as a visiting professor at the MediaLab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2017, he held the Eloise Garmendia Bieter Chair at Boise State University. In his research career, he has worked in three specific areas of focus: AI, artificial vision and security in telecommunications networks. He has authored the textbook "Fundamentals of Programming"(1999), and was co-author of the book "Dancing through networks using Java"(2021). In addition, he is the creator and screenwriter of the documentary “Bai, bagara!” which focuses on Basque values in the diaspora, and he also created the documentary on dance “Lur hau gurea”. He is currently president and co-founder of the PuntuEus foundation and is an honorary member of Jakiunde, the Basque Academy of Science, Art and Letters
Urko Aiartza Azurtza
Urko Aiartza Azurtza is the director of the Telesforo Monzon eLab, a laboratory of ideas for state- building, and the Olaso Dorrea Foundation. He served as Senator in the Madrid Senate (2011- 2015) and served as Spokesperson in the Justice, Foreign Affairs, Iberoamerican, and Standing Senate Committees. Since 2017, he is a Senior Adviser of the European Institute of Peace (EIP) in Brussels as well as counsel of a variety of international organizations. He received his degree in law from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and a Master in Conflictology from the Universitat Oberta de Catalonia (UOC). Currently, he is a member of the Gipuzkoa Bar and runs a law firm in Donostia.
Iñigo Albizuri
“Iñigo Albizuri Landazabal es Director de Relaciones Institucionales de la Corporación MONDRAGON y Presidente de Mundukide. También es presidente de CICOPA, organización cooperativa internacional que integra a más de 4 millones de trabajadores de 65.000 cooperativas en 35 países. Es miembro del Consejo de Administración de la Alianza Cooperativa internacional y de su Comité de Identidad. Ingeniero Industrial por la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU),con numerosas patentes en su haber, ha desarrollado su carrera en cooperativas del grupo MONDRAGON en distintos paises (México, China, Italia, EEUU, etc.).En el año 2021 fue galardonado con el premio Fair Saturday por su labor de innovación artística e impacto social.”
Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri (Eibar, 1983). PuntuEUS Fundazioko marketin arduraduna da 2014tik. Komunikazio arloko profesionala, kazetari bezala hasi zuen ibilbide profesionala (Herri Irratia, Euskadi Irratia...) eta zientziare eta teknologiaren gizarteartzean aritu zen Elhuyarren. Ingurune digitalak sortzen zituen aukerak erakarrita komunikazio estrategikoaren eta marketin digitalaren arloan egin ditu azken 10 urteak. Euskarazko marketin digitalaren erronkari aurre egiteko bideak bilatzen ere aritzen da.
Eneko Axpe
Eneko Axpe Iza es científico y artista. Es uno de los pocos gastrofísicos de la Unión Europea. Lucha contra el cambio climático combinando física y gastronomía. En 2018 se convirtió en el primer físico de materiales de la NASA en el País Vasco. Se dedica a la investigación en biomateriales, modelos matemáticos, plant-based food y los campos de la sostenibilidad. Trabaja como Postdoctoral Fellow en la Universidad de Stanford y en la NASA desde 2018. Anteriormente, fue investigador y profesor de la Universidad de Cambridge, como Homerton College Research Fellow (2016 - 2018). En 2015 obtuvo su doctorado en Física en la Universidad del País Vasco. También es visitante académico de la Universidad de Harvard y de la Universidad de Oxford. Como artista, aborda el hip-hop y la electrónica en euskera, bajo el nombre de Maisha MC. En 2019 publicó el álbum VMME SAHAR.
Edurne Benito del Valle
Edurne Benito del Valle Fernandez. Bilbon jaioa, Soziologia Ikasketak burutu ditu EHU-UPVn, bai eta Subiranotasuna Europako Herrietan Masterra.
Mikel Burzako Samper
Mikel Burzako is currently Member of National Committee, in charge of Foreign Affairs, in Basque Nationalist Party (PNV) since 2016 and Chief Executive Officer of European Institute of Democrats since 2019 and Member of the Board since 2017. Prior to this appointment, he was the Representative of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania in Spain and Portugal, Director of Coordination in Presidency of the Basque Government and earlier Director for Foreign Affairs and Director of the Development. He was living for seven years in Chile as Head and Director of the Basque-Chile Foundation for Development. Burzako received his degree in economic science and business administration from the University of Deusto and has done several training programs internationally.
Igor Campillo
Euskampus Fundazioa, Director
He is director of Euskampus Fundazioa, founded in 2011 by the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU), Tecnalia Corporation and the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). He worked as assistant professor in the Faculty of Sciences of the UPV/EHU, international projects manager in Gamesa Energy, researcher and project manager at LABEIN- Tecnalia, project and outreach manager in the Nanoscience Cooperative Research Center- nanoGUNE, manager of the nanoBasque Strategy in the Basque Business Development Agency- SPRI, and director of DeustoTech. He holds a PhD in Physics from UPV/EHU, and a master degree in journalism and science communication from the Spanish Open University. He is the author of more than 70 international scientific publications indexed in the Web of knowledge,and author of 3 international patents. He has been awarded as one of the word-leading “Boundary Spanners” for University Business Cooperation by the University Industry Innovation Network.
Salvador Cardus
Terrassa, 1954 Professor of Economic Sciences and Professor of Sociology at the Autonomous University of Barcelona. Cambridge (UK), Cornell (EUA) and Queen Mary College, London. Visiting Professor at Stanford University (2016) The dean of the UAB's College of Political Sciences and Sociology (2009-2011), the Sociology of Religion (www.isor.cat), has investigated migration and identity issues. He has published a dozen books, including Los suicidos (1982) with Joan Estruch, Saber el temps (1985), El desconcert de l'educació (2000), El campí de la Independencia (2010). He recently corrected La cohesió social a la Catalunya del segle XXI (2020). Ciutadans, Les coses com són i Vides privades. He ran the journal Crònica d'Ensenyament (1987-88), was the chairman of the journal Avui (1989-91), and regularly writes in the magazines Diari de Terrassa, La República and El Temps.
Anne Marie Chiramberro
Anne-Marie Chiramberro is the creator of Hella Basque, a digital media project that shares information about the Basque Country and Basque culture to a global English-speaking audience. She has documented her experiences at Basque festivals in the United States, as well as her personal journey to learning Euskara, on the Hella Basque YouTube channel, which has grown to more than 10,000 subscribers. Her work has been featured on EITB, Berria, Euskal Kultura, and Gazteaukera. She was also an Invited Guest of the Basque Government at the World Congress of Basque Communities Abroad in Bilbao in 2019. Having been involved in the Basque community in her native San Francisco (California) from a young age, Anne-Marie is passionate about helping others from the Basque diaspora connect with their heritage. Her Basque roots can be traced to Donibane Garazi, Baxenafarroa. You can follow her project @hellabasque on YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter.
Iratxe Esnaola Arribilaga
TMeLab Telesforo Monzon Euskal Herrigintza Laborategia
Iratxe Esnaola Arribillaga is President of the Olaso Dorrea Fundazioa and member of the laboratory of ideas TM eLab . Professor at the Deusto Business School, and Undersecretary of the same school since 2016. She was previously Director of the .eus Foundation. She holds a PhD in Education from the University of Deusto and a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Engineering at the same university.
Eva Ferreira Garcia
Eva Ferreira, currently Rector of the UPV/EHU. She has been director of Unibasq (Agency for the evaluation of the quality of the Basque university system) and is Professor in the Faculty of Economics and Business of the UPV/EHU. She holds a degree in Mathematics and a PhD in Economics from the UPV/EHU and a Master's degree in Probability and Statistics from the Courant Institute at New York University. She has a consolidated and accredited research and teaching career with dozens of publications in journals of international impact. Ferreira has held responsibilities in the government of the university as Vice-rector and General Secretary.
Imanol Galdos Irazabal
Ayuntamiento de Donostia - San Sebastián, Departamento de Cultura
More than 30 years experience in public administration, in several responsabilities. Long career in Education, Academia, Media, Culture and Politics. Currently, Assistant Manager of Donostia Kultura, the Culture Department of the City of San Sebastian, in charge of the International Affairs. Researcher, lecturer, international speaker and writer on issues related to public diplomacy,cultural diplomacy, city diplomacy,basque diaspora, local governance, culture policy, foreign policy, international relations, public communication, minority languages and cultures. Former Assistant Professor at the University of Reno (Nevada, United States). Researcher and visitor at Boise State University (Idaho, United States). Coordinator of Other Words/Beste Hitzak, a programme co-funded by Creative Europe (2015-2018). He has a diverse and broad academic background in Law, Linguistics, Translation and Interpretation, International Relations and Public Administration.
julieta Gaztañaga
Anthropologist (PhD, MSc, BA) is a specialist in the political anthropology of Argentina and the Basque Country. She is a Researcher at CONICET and an Associate Professor in the Department of Anthropology, University of Buenos Aires. She has carried out extensive ethnographic fieldwork in various provinces of Argentina and southern Brazil, focusing on electoral processes, Peronism, public works and road infrastructure, integration processes, and federalism. Her current research is about social movements in the Basque Country and the Basque Argentine Diaspora, in fields that include self-determination claims, sovereignty, nationalism, political imagination, and political pleasure. E-mail: julieta.gaztanaga@conicet.gov.ar
kirol munduko gaztea
Naiara Goia is the managing director at Arantzazulab. Since autumn 2020, she has been responsible for designing, implementing and developing the Social Innovation Laboratory. She is an expert in innovation with 20 years of experience in the area, leading complex strategic projects with international dimension and in the management of multidisciplinary teams. Before starting Arantzazulab, she managed different initiatives in the field of technological and social innovation at MONDRAGON Corporation. Some of her interests, and the basis of her work, are governance and democracy innovation, promoting networking and building transformation strategies. She participates in several forums on the future of the Basque Country and collaborates with several universities as a speaker and lecturer. Naiara holds a masters degree in Telecommunications Engineering (UPV/EHU - ENST Bretagne) and an MBA in business management. She has complemented her professional career with various training courses in Open and Collaborative Governance (UNED), Leadership, Public Communication and Process Evaluation, to name a few.
Maialen Goirizelaia Altuna
She graduated with a degree in advertising and Public Relations in 2011, and was a Master of Basque Studies at the University of the Basque Country. After working in the communications world, he was in management for the Basque community outside the Basque Palace for a year. From there he began his thesis with a contract for Basque rectors at the University of the Basque Country. During his thesis two rounds of research, one at Boise State University (2017), the other at Harvard University (2018). In February 2019, he made a thesis defense of the Basque Country and the Basques who live in the United States. Since then, he has published articles related to the subject in a series of journals such as that in the case of the people of the country, in the case of the Prefecture of the Prefecture of the Diaspora Studies.
Beñat Hach Embarek
(Ormaiztegi, 1989). Ikus-entzunezko Komunikazioan lizentziatua eta Diseinu Grafikoan graduatua. ZuZeu hedabide digitaleko erredakzioko kidea eta Bertsolari aldizkariko koordinatzailea.
Juan José Ibarretxe Markuartu
Agirre Lehendakaria Center
He was Lehendakari (President) of the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country between 1999 and 2009. He graduated in Economics and has completed his doctoral thesis: ethical principle, democratic and sustainable principle of human development: bases of a democratic model. Since March 2013, he has directed the Agirre Lehendakaria Center for Social and Political Studies. He has been a visiting professor for 9 courses at the Interamerican University of Puerto Rico. He has also been the director of the research project in collaboration with Columbia University in New York, George Mason University in Washington and Euclid University in London, "The Basque Case: a Comprehensive Model for Sustainable Human Development". Honoris Causa was appointed doctor by the University of Rosario, National University of La Plata, Public University "Ivane Javakhishvili Tbilisi", University of Córdoba, Autonomous University of Santo Domingo and Inter-American University of Puerto Rico.
Billy Kay
Writer & broadcaster Billy Kay was born in Galston, Ayrshire in 1951, and educated at Galston High School, Kilmarnock Academy and Edinburgh University. His company produces series on Scottish cultural history for BBC Radio Scotland, winning five international awards. He has written two plays for radio and one for Dundee Rep, while his poetry and short stories appear in several anthologies. He is the author of the classic work Scots: The Mither Tongue. His book on the phenomenal global influence of the Scottish diaspora The Scottish World was published in 2006. Billy was given an honorary Doctorate by the U. of the West of Scotland in 2009, the Oliver Award by the Scots Independent newspaper in 2010 and later that year became Honorary President of the Scots Language Society. In 2015 the Association for Scottish Literary Studies made him an Honorary Fellow. In 2016 he was inducted into the Scottish Traditional Music Hall of Fame and in 2019 at the first Scots Awards.
Edurne Leon Sanchez
Peter Loge
Peter Loge is the Associate Director of the School of Media and Public Affairs at The George Washington University where he is also an Associate Professor and the Director of the Project on Ethics in Political Communication. Loge is also a strategic communications consultant and political commentator. He has more than 25 years of experience in strategic communications, including serving in senior staff positions in the US House, US Senate and at the US Food and Drug Administration. Loge’s great grandfather is from Pau, and he grew up hearing stories about his Basque heritage
Director, bailarín y coreógrafo de Kukai Dantza. Se inició en el mundo de la danza a los seis años en Ereintza Dantza Taldea de Errenteria. Participó en numerosos festivales folclóricos internacionales y fue campeón de Euskal Herria de Aurreskulari entre 1997 y 2005. Tras formar parte del grupo Laxok, en 2002 creó el proyecto Kukai Dantza con el objetivo de desarrollar espectáculos que fomentaran la creación desde la tradición. Ha desarrollado su principal carrera profesional en el seno de Kukai Dantza, como bailarina, coreógrafa y directora. Tiene como seña principal la conjunción de lenguajes artísticos y la capacidad de cooperar. En esta dirección colabora con numerosos coreógrafos y artistas: Marcos Morau, Sharon Fridman, Israel Galván, Cesc Gelabert, Andoni Luis Aduriz, Tanttaka Teatroa, Orquesta Sinfónica de Euskadi; Ha trabajado como director artístico de varios proyectos (Festival de Cine de San Sebastián, Premios Max...), responsable de danza de iniciativas especiales y colaborador y profesor de movimiento en proyectos teatrales. Como lo ha definido la crítica especializada: es el imprescindible y polifacético director coreógrafo de los últimos años.
Onintza Odriozola Irizar
Dr in Sociology UPV/EHU/history graduate (University of Deustu). UPV/EHU is a professor in the European Department of Social Sciences and Suviranimity. He is a member of the peer Research Group, which studies democracy, political participation, gender and nationalism. He has set up his main line of research in the area of nationalism and studied Basque nationalism discourses and Praxies. In examining these discourses and trousers, he has, among other things, been interested in the axes of language culture and genus. In recent years he's been participating in a research project on youth political participation. The results of these investigations have been published in several articles and academic chapters. She is a member of the youth movement and feminist movement of the Basque Country. And the school has been a dancer of the Aukeran and Haa dance groups.
Fernando Tapia Alberdi
Vice-Rector of Students and Employability UPV/EHU
Doctor in Law from the UPV/EHU. Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Law Faculty of the UPV/EHU. Former member of the IISJ (International Institute for the Sociology of Law) Goberning Board, member of the UNED-Bergara Foundation Board of Trustees, Academic Secretary of the Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law Department, Director of Development and External Relations of the Gipuzkoa Campus and Vice-rector of Scientific Development and Transfer of the UPV/EHU. Experienced in public and private management, holding positions of Provincial Deputy for Social and Institutional Relations with Gipuzkoa Provincial Government, joint manager of the Cross-Border Agency for development of the Bayonne-Donostia Basque Eurocity, member of the Working Community of the Pyrenees Assembly and president of the Kirolgi Foundation. He is currently a member of the Management Board of the “Legal Clinic for Social Justice” at the Faculty of Law of the UPV/EHU and of the AKTIBA-IT research group. He also holds the position of Vice-Rector for Students and Employability of the UPV/EHU.
Dhato Turavishvili
Dato Turashvili is a Georgian fiction writer – author of novels, movie scripts and plays for theatre. After graduating from the secondary school, he studied literature, film and art history at the universities of Tbilisi, London and Madrid. His first collection of short stories was published after the restoration of the Georgian independence in this time from the soviet empire. Before the liberation, Dato Turashvili was one of the leaders of the student protest movement against the soviet regime in Georgia and for the democracy. For this moment, he has published 21 books – among them his bestselling novels, stories and collection of plays. His novels are translated into 17 foreign languages and published in 15 countries and his plays were performed on the stages of the Georgian and not only Georgian theatres. Furthermore, Dato is the author of scientific-research letters in literary criticism and historiography.
Oihana Zamponi-Galé
Mireia Zarate Aguirre
1986an jaioa Enpresen Administrazio eta Zuzendaritzan lizentziaduna Kontuen Ikuskaritza masterduna Legebiltzarkide ohia EBBren idazkaria Sabino Arana Fundazioaren Presidentea
Joseba Sarrionandia Uribelarrea
Joseba Sarrionandia Uribelarrea, idazlea (Iurreta, 1958). Euskal Filologian lizentziatu zen Bilboko Deustuko Unibertsitatean, eta euskara irakasle lan egin zuen. Bergarako UNEDen fonetika irakasle izan zen eta Habanako Unibertsitatean ere irakasle aritu zen. Zeruko Argia, Anaitasuna, Jakin eta Oh! Euzkadi aldizkarietan eman zituen argitara bere lehen lanak, eta Pott Bandako kideetako bat izan zen. Euskaltzain urgazlea, Ibaizabal aldizkariaren sortzaileetako bat ere izan zen. 1980an gatibu hartu zuten, eta 1985ean Martuteneko espetxetik ihes egin zuen. Kuban ia lau hamarkada luzeko erbestealdiaren ostean, 2021. urteko udaberrian itzuli zen Euskal Herrira. Sarrionandiaren ibilbide literarioa biziki oparoa da. Hamarkadaz hamarkada hainbat literatur sariketetan sarituak izan dira haren lanak. Eta haren hainbat liburu, Izuen gordelekuetan barrena (1981), Narrazioak (1983), Ni ez naiz hemengoa (1985), Marginalia (1988), Kartzelako poemak (1992), Hnuy illa nyha majah yahoo (1995), Lagun izoztua (2001), Kolosala izango da (2003), edota Moroak gara behelaino artean? (2010), besteak beste, euskal literatura garaikidearen baitako libururik irakurrienetakoak dira.
Sebastian Zurutuza Mujika
Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia/Diputación Foral de Guipúzcoa
Cargo: Director general de Estrategia (2015-actualidad) Estudios: Licenciado en Ciencias Económicas y Empresariales (Especialista Universitario en Administración Pública de la EHU/UPV). Idiomas: euskera (alto); castellano (alto); inglés (medio). Trayectoria profesional y política: - Jefe de Servicio de Compromisos Institucionales. Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (1993-2015). - Jefe de Sección de Cupo y Aportaciones Financieras. Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (1992-1993). - Profesor Asociado. EHU-UPV (Facultad de Derecho) (1988-1994). - Economista. Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa (1987-1992). - Profesor. Formación Profesional (Elgoibar y Usurbil) (1982-1987).
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Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián