I Congress on Entrepreneurship, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU: The enterprising university of the 21st century, challenges and opportunities

I Congress on Entrepreneurship, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU: The enterprising university of the 21st century, challenges and opportunities

28.Nov - 28. Nov, 2019 Cod. E14-19


The 1st Congress on Entrepreneurship organised by the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU); THE ENTERPRISING UNIVERSITY OF THE 21st CENTURY, CHALLENGES AND OPPORTUNITIES”, has the principal objective to highlight the results of the Entrepreneurial and Innovation strategies developed at the UPV/EHU while fostering a coming together between the different key agents involved: those offering Technology, Spin-Offs, Administrations, Companies and Capital Funds.


The subject areas will be Technology Transfer and Open Innovation.

In the field of TECHNOLOGY TRANSFER an analysis will be made of critical aspects in the processes of Validating and Transferring Technology, with the participation of professionals and key representatives of international ecosystem pioneers in setting these processes in motion, in order to foster models of collaboration in good practices, while analysing key factors and success stories.

The attendees will have the opportunity to take a first-hand look at the Technology Offer of the leading active Research Groups in the commercialisation of technologies at the UPV/EHU.

They will also attend presentations of Spin-Offs to have emerged from the Knowledge generated at the UPV/EHU.


In Open Innovation, we will develop a discussion table on the UNIVERSITY-COMPANY relationship and opportunities.

A presentation will be made of open innovation models by leading national companies with a view to discovering the processes involved and the keys to their success.

The event will be attended by expert representatives specialising in the early stage of Capital Funds who will explain their experiences and discuss the keys which, from their points of view, may make a project interesting for investment.

The table will be accompanied by two Spin-Offs who will share their experience.  

During the conferece, attendants will have the opportunity for business matchmaking with Spin-Offs and Technology Offer

At the end of the day, the idea is to foster networking between the key agents of entrepreneurial activity in the fields of science and technology.



The attendees will have the opportunity to consult a list of those interested in / needs of the Technology Offer and of the Spin-Offs. 

List of parties interested in the technology/offer – Spin-Offs

The organisation can arrange bilateral meetings with those in which you have an interest during the congress.

To request a meeting: congreso@retosuniversidad.com



  • Agents from the field of Science and Technology
  • Entrepreneurial Managers
  • Companies
  • Investors
  • Entrepreneurs
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To discuss and analyse models of best practices in Technology Transfer at universities. Key factors and Success stories.

To analyse the key factors of university entrepreneurship and foster the exchange of national and international experiences.

To highlight the experience, the achievements and the difficulties of universities in the processes of technology transfer and the creation of companies based on Science and Technology.

To foster networking between the key agents: Technology Offer, Spin-Offs, Companies and Capital Funds.


University of Basque Country (UPV/EHU)

BIC Gipuzkoa



Departamento de Promoción Económica, Turismo y Medio Rural de la Diputación Foral de Gipuzkoa

Basque University System Reseach


Basque Country Goberment



Ayuntamiento Donostia-San Sebastián

Basque Venture Capital

Kutxa Fundazioa

Caixa Capital Rics

Columbus Venture Partnens


Enagas Emprende




Caixa Bank

El Diario Vasco

Diputación Foral de Araba

Diputación Foral de Bizkaia

Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gazteiz

BIC Araba


Fundación Banco BBK

Fundación Vital

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Fernando Tapia

Vicerrector de Desarrollo Científico y Transferencia de la UPV/EHU

Vice-Rector for Scientific Development and Transfer Dr in Law from the UPV/EHU. Law Philosophy professor at the UPV/EHU. Former member of the IISJ (International Institute for the Sociology of Law) Advisory Council, member of the UNED Foundation Board of Trustees, Academic Secretary of the Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law Dept. Experienced in public and private management, holding positions of Provincial Deputy for Social and Institutional Relations with Gipuzkoa Prov. Govt., joint manager of the Cross-Border Agency for development of the Bayonne-Donostia Basque Eurocity, member of the Working Community of the Pyrenees Assembly and president of the Kirolgi Found. Currently sits on the board of the Legal Clinic for Social Justice at the UPV/EHU Law Fac. and is the Vice-Rector for Scientific Development and Transfer at the UPV/EHU.


Ander Aizpurua

Director Gerneral de Kutxa Fundazioa

He has a Bussiness degree by the UPV/EHU and he is Postgraduated by Deusto University in Expert Diploma in Financial Advice. He is the General Manager of Kutxa Fundazioa since 2018. He was former Territorial Director the Gipuzkoa Network and he had different positions at Kutxabank and kutxa, for example, Institutional and Corporative Banking Managing Director, Wholesale Banking and Corporative Investment Managing Director, Treasury Manager, etc. Therefore, he is or has been member of the advisory board of the following associations and entities: Euskaltel, Inversiones Zubiatzu, Gipuzkoa Technology Park, Adegi, Zihurko, Ekarpen, Luzaro, Eolia Renovables, Lico Leasing, Lico Corporación, Fontecruz Hoteles, Kufinex, Gurea.

Gorka Artola

Director de Innovación y Transferencia de la UPV/EHU

Chief Innovation and Tech-Transfer Officer at the University of the Basque country, he is in charge of the Technology Transfer Office, the IPR Management Office, the Unit for University Rankings and the global coordination of the three entrepreneurship programs of the UPV/EHU, one per campus. MsC in Industrial Engineering by TECNUN, the School of Engineering of the University of Navarra in San Sebastian, he developed part of his higher education in the Linking University (Sweden). He also holds a PDD grade by the IESE Business School in Madrid. He started his professional career as a junior researcher in Tecnalia and jumped two years later to the field of consultancy on innovation and tech-transfer management during 15 years, becoming the Deputy Managing Director of BANTEC, one of the reference consulting firms in the Basque Country. During this period he helped private and publicly listed start-ups, SMEs, MidCaps and large companies in their innovation processes.

Yolanda Beldarrain

Directora General de la Sociedad de Gestion de Capital Riesgo del País Vasco (SGECR)

She has a degree in Economics and Business Studies (Deusto Business School) with a period of time spent at the Johannes Kepler University Linz (Austria) and an Executive MBA from Mondragon University. She has worked in Auditing at Arthur Andersen in Bilbao and Munich, she has been a Financial Director at the Dominion group in Madrid, Manager at the German School Bilbao, Financial Director at the Kide group (MONDRAGON Corporation), and she is currently General Director of BASQUE VENTURE CAPITAL MANAGEMENT S.G.E.I.C., S.A.

Anne-Karine Bourcier

Head of Innovation, Entrepreneurship and Corporate Relations at the University of Bordeaux, she is in charge of developing and supporting the capacity in innovation and entrepreneurship, plays the role of interface between the University and the socio-economic world, and facilitates access to the deposit, to create shared value and contribute to the development of University’s resources. She holds a master's degree in private law and a certificate of aptitude for the profession of lawyer. She started her career as a lawyer, then for 14 years at Total group as a lawyer, then head of a business unit at the Total Foundation, before joining the University of Bordeaux two years ago.

Elena Canetti

Socia de Inveniam Group

Elena is an expert in Technology Transfer, this includes oversight of technical evaluation, licensing processes design, management and implementation. She is well-known as a very active technology transfer executive, and brings years of experience with technology commercialization in international markets, having completed hundreds of license and research deals to date, in the hi-tech, pharmaceutical and chemicals industries. Elena was VP Research Collaborations at Yissum Research Development Company of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem where she assumed responsibility for the business assessment of Hebrew University broad research capabilities and negotiation of research agreements with the industry. Elena Canetti is a consultant to Latin American governments, academic and research institutions in subjects related to evaluation, valorization and commercialization of patent portfolios and internationalization of technology transfer practices. Elena holds an MBA from the Boston Uni

Marco Domínguez

Director de Estrategia Tecnológica de Ikusi-Velatia

Marco Domínguez Bonini is the Director of Technological Strategy at Ikusi (Velatia), and as such, he collaborates with Ikusi’s different businesses in the process of incorporating new technologies. Throughout his 22-year career at Ikusi he has taken on the development of new businesses and R+D management. Marco has a Master’s degree in Telecommunications from the University of Cantabria and an MBA from the IE Business School.

Iker Estensoro

Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia, Director de Promoción Económica, Departamento de Promoción económica, Turismo y Medio Rural

Iker Estensero is graduated in Industrial Organization Engineering by Mondragon Unibetsitatea and he has an MSc in Management of Competitive Manufacturing by the University of Strathclyde. He started his professional life as a technician at IK4 IKERLAN, but he has developed his career at ORKLI S.Coop.. He started as Quality Manager and moved to Production Manager. Since 2009 he has been Key Account Manager at ORKLI and has been designated the new President of ORKLI for the last two years. Furthermore, he has combined this duty with the presidency and the membership of different companies boards like IK4 Lortek, Mondragon Componentes, Goierri Goi Maila Eskola, Goilan Fundazioa, San Benito Ikastola and ACEDE Association. Nowadays, he is the General Manager of Economic Promotion at the department of Economic Promotion, Tourism and Rural Area in the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa.

Javier Garcia

Director General y Socio de Columbus Venture Partners

Holds a Degree in Mathematics From Complutense University of Madrid and a MBA from ICADE. Experience in venture capital investment and in investments of private companies from the biopharmaceutical sector, life sciences and medical technologies. He has served on the board of Artax Biopharma, Bioncotech and Inveready Biotech II and the National Alliance for Hispanic Health and the Healthy Americas Foundation. Founding Investor and board member of Aura Biosciences. Has worked at Eli Lilly. He held management positions in ICT and business development. Worked on the business development of the BioMedicines business unit, procuring license agreements of Incyte Autoimmune portfolio, Axiron estosterone license, Alnara acquisition, Cymbalta buy back from Boeringher Ingleheim to recover the drug, and Amyvid acquisition Led the Lilly team to the first closing of the 140 million fund with TVM where Lilly was a strategic limited partner.

Gil Granot

Director General de Yeda Research and Development Co. del Instituto Weizman

He took the position of CEO in 2016 after having served as Yeda’s Deputy CEO & General Counsel for 10 years. Gil serves as Co-Chairman of ITTN (the Israeli Tech Transfer Organization) and on the board of directors of several of Yeda’s spun-off companies. Prior to joining Yeda, Gil practiced law as a litigator and commercial attorney in several of the top prestigious law firms in Israel’s private sector. Gil holds an MBA degree from the Leon Recanati Graduate School of Business and Administration as well as a LL.B. degree (cum laude) (Tel-Aviv University). Gil has been a member of the Israel Bar Association since 1997, and is a frequent speaker in various forums covering issues related to Intellectual Property, Licensing, Innovation and Technology Transfer from the academia.

Santiago Lozano

Director de Fondos Tech Transfer de Clave Mayor

Graduate in Business Administration by Universidad de Navarra and Master in Finance by ESIC Business School. Accumulated Management Experience, first at Industry, later Financial Markets and more than 13 years in Venture Capital (startups and Tech Transfer Porjects). Member of Board of Directors in around 20 companies invested by Clave Mayor, most of them in early stages in different sectors as health sciences, Digital Business, Agrofood, Industry, Biotech. Participating in investment processes in more than 30 deals and 5 disinvestments. Experience as Investor in first stages, some of them related to Tech Transfer. Broad experience in analyzing and investing in startups and early stage companies and supporting value creation process in these companies in Strategic planning, financial supporting and negotiation processes. Currently focus in Tech Transfer Investments and Applied Technologies companies through Tech Transfer Funds mainly linked to Universities and Tech Centers.

Iñigo Odriozola

Socio fundador y CEO de Datik

Iñigo Odriozola is a founding partner and CEO of Datik. He is a Telecommunications Engineer with a Diploma in Advanced Studies in Electronic Design from the University of the Basque Country, and holds an Executive MBA earned at the Deusto Business School. Together with Iñigo Etxabe he created the company Datik in 2008, leaving behind his time as a University professor and researcher. Their shared desire to do something different prompted them to abandon their comfortable living and enjoy a vital experience. Their business project was consolidated with their entrance to the Irizar Group in May 2011. Since then, they have commercialised products of high technological value in different international markets, having their own office in the UK and in Mexico.

Enrique Olarte

Coordinador de innovación Abierta de Enegas Emprende

Open Innovation Coordinator at Enegás Emprende. Biologist specialising in the environment from the University of Navarre and master’s degree in engineering from the School for Industrial Organisation. Has more than 13 years’ experience in international projects on innovation in engineering and technical consultancy companies. Is currently open innovation coordinator at Enagás Emprende, the Enagás corporate entrepreneurship and open innovation programme. Is an expert in the promotion and coordination of major projects of collaboration in open innovation.

Tamar Raz

CEO de Hadasit, Empresa de Transferencia Tecnológica del Centro Médico Hadassah - Jerusalen y Presidente de Hadasit Bio-Holdings

Dr. Tamar Raz is the CEO of Hadasit, the technology transfer company of Hadassah Medical Center in Jerusalem, and serves as the chair of Hadasit Bio-Holdings (HBL; TASE: HDST). With nearly 15 years' experience in technology transfer, Tamar boasts a successful track record of bringing medical innovations from the lab to the marketplace. Prior to joining Hadasit in 2014, Tamar served as VP of Marketing and Strategy at Ramot, the technology transfer company of Tel Aviv University, responsible for the company strategic alliances, marketing activities and commercialization. Tamar was the founder and CEO of Allergene Ltd., an Israeli drug development start-up company. Tamar received her MSc and PhD in cell biology from the Tel Aviv University School of Medicin.

Fernando Rodriguez

Director Caixabank dayOne

Director of CaixaBank dayOne in the Basque Country and Cantabria, CaixaBank’s di-vision that specialises in startups, technology and innovation companies, and their in-vestors. Throughout his professional career he has worked in the financial sector, where he was Director of CIB (Corporate & Investment Banking) at Barclays Bank in northern Spain, before joining CaixaBank. Fernando has a degree in Business Administration, a Master's degree in Banking and Financial Markets and EFP (European Financial Planner) and he collaborates with a range of universities, master’s degrees and the EFPA. He has extensive experience in business valuation and M&A.

Maite Urgoiti

Maite Urgoiti, Elkargiko Finantza Kudeatzailea Enpresa Administrazioan eta Zuzendaritzan lizentziatua (Finantzak eta Kontabilitatea espezialitatea) Deusto Business School-en, eta Erasmus egina Aalto University-n, Helsinkin. Senior gisa jardun du lanean finantza-auditoretzan PwC-n, auditoretza-prozesuak planifikatzen, kudeatzen eta gainbegiratzen, eta arduradun gisa parte hartu zuen kapitalen zuritze proiektuan Banca d´Andorra BPA-n. Orain arrisku finantzarioen analista da Elkargi SGRn. Bertan, ETEen, autonomoen eta startup-en arrisku-operazioen analisian dihardu eta horretarako aztertu egiten ditu eboluzio finantzarioa, kontabilitateko egoera-orriak eta proiektuen bideragarritasuna, zorpetze-maila eta diru-itzulketa gaitasuna ere kontuan hartuta. Bestalde, hizlari gisa aritzen da zenbait ikastarotan, besteren artean aipatzekoak Elkargi SGRk eskainitako "Finantza Egoeren Analisia" euskal patronal desberdinetan eta “Zirkulatzailearen kudeaketa”.

Yehuda Yarmut

Director del Programa de Colaboración Estratégica e Industrial de la Universidad Tecnológica Nanyang - Singapur

Yehuda holds an M.Sc. degree in Agriculture (with distinction) from the Hebrew University and an MBA degree from Erasmus University, The Netherlands. Entrepreneur, Innovator and Director, managed technology transfer for the academia, served as CEO, COO and Business Development Director of several Hi-Tech & technology companies related to fields of Life Sciences, Biotechnology, Physical Sciences, Cyber Security & Semiconductors. Yehuda’s experience includes high level business and management in founding and leading start-ups, business development and commercialization, through which he established proven networks in the US and EU. Yehuda is an inventor of several patents. Yehuda has worked from Singapore (NTU, President’s Office) during the last eight years, leading to collaborations valued over $120 millions, gaining functioning networks in China, India and Japan with multinational investments, involving industry, public institutions and government agencies.

Laureano Simon

CEO de Quimatryx

Ph.D. in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology at Universidad Autonoma de Madrid (Centro Nacional de Biotecnologia, CSIC). M.Sc. in Biotechnology from Universidad de Navarra and M.Sc. from University of Wisconsin-Madison. Started entrepeneurship career in 2000 with Progenika Foundation, pioneering functional genomics company (labs in US, Spain, Mexico and UAE). Founder of biomedical companies: Oncomatryx and Quimatryx, Nelum, Patia - associated to billionaire Carlos Slim. He expanded entrepeneurship activity with Foundation of Helenes Ventures investing and coaching Spanish Biomedical Startups. Author of articles in scientific journals. Inventor in many biotechnology patents rendering significant clinical impact. Advisor of scientific committees in government institutions and private foundations. Awarded with the Eurowards European Entrepreneur Award in 2004, Ernst & Young 2010 most innovative Entrepreneur and the Ruban d'honneur of the European Business Awards - HSBC Bank, in 2011.

Francesc Solé Parellada

Vicepresidente de la Fundación Conocimiento y Desarrollo (CYD) y Catedrático emérito de la UPC

PhD of Industrial Engineering at the Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Degree in Economic and Business Sciences from the University of Barcelona. Presently Professor Emeritus at the UPC and Vice-President of the Knowledge and Development Foundation. Positions at UPC: Vice-Rector, director of the Institute of Education Sciences (ICE), CEO of the Mediterranean Technology Park, Vice-President and Promotor of the Polytechnic Foundation, promotor and director of the UPC Park Foundation and the INNOVA Programme and director of the UNESCO Chair in University Management. He has taught at the UPC and at the Université du Québec. He has received the Medal for Merit on his own behalf from the Ministry of Industry, Trade and Tourism and the Narcís Monturiol Medal for Scientific and Technological Merit from the Catalan Government. Is a member of the Spanish Royal Academy of Economic and Financial Sciences and of the “Institut d’Estudis Catalans”. Has written about Industry, Technology, Economy,

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Centro Carlos Santamaría

Plaza Elhuyar, 2. 20018- Donostia / San Sebastián



Centro Carlos Santamaría

Plaza Elhuyar, 2. 20018- Donostia / San Sebastián
