Malacological Forum of the SEM 2024 – Workshop on invasive exotic mollusks in Spain

Malacological Forum of the SEM 2024 – Workshop on invasive exotic mollusks in Spain

25.Sep - 28. Sep, 2024 Cod. Z27-24


Invasive alien species (IAS) are one of the main causes of loss of biological diversity in the biosphere. Its presence hinders the conservation of many species and habitats, both terrestrial and freshwater or marine, exerting a more noticeable impact on especially vulnerable ecosystems, such as islands and continental waters. The introduction of these species can also cause serious damage to the economy, especially to agricultural, livestock and forestry production, and even to public health. Mollusks are a diverse group of invertebrates that include several IAS for which the significant impact they have on the natural environment has been documented. Currently, a total of 12 taxa are included in the Spanish IAS Catalog: 5 gastropods (1 terrestrial, 3 from continental waters and 1 marine) and 7 bivalves (4 from continental waters and 3 marine). However, it is necessary to complete the available information, based on scientific knowledge, to improve its continuous management. Furthermore, the existence of other IAS is known in Spain or that could potentially be present in the short or medium term, but about which there is hardly any research to propose their cataloging or dissemination to raise awareness among society in general. To improve this scientific knowledge, the SEM 2024 Malacological Forum – Workshop on invasive exotic mollusks in Spain has been organized.

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Promote a meeting of malacology specialists to share the latest research results and management experiences on invasive exotic mollusks in Spain, in the context of the problem on a global scale.

Generate a space for reflection and debate (through conferences, presentations, round tables and communications) to address the difficulties of managing invasive exotic mollusks in terrestrial and aquatic ecosystems of fresh, brackish or marine waters.

Implement knowledge about invasive exotic mollusks in Spain within the PRTR-ESMOLINCO Project, which is being carried out by the Euskoiker Foundation in collaboration with the SEM through a contract with TRAGSATEC on behalf of MITECO, within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan Financed by the European Union – Next Generation EU.

Promote the scientific meeting of the members who form the study groups of the target species of the PRTR-ESMOLINCO Project: terrestrial continental, aquatic continental and marine.

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Activity directed to

  • University student
  • Professionals

Organised by

  • Sociedad Española de Malacología

In collaboration with

  • Ministerio para la Transición Ecológica y el Reto Demográfico (MITECO) del Gobierno de España
  • Tecnologías y Servicios Agrarios SA, SME, MP (TRAGSATEC)
  • Facultad de Farmacia de la Universidad del País Vasco / Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU), con el apoyo del Grupo de Investigación Genes, Poblaciones, Ecosistemas: Investigación Fundamental y Aplicada (IT1571-22)
  • Fundación Euskoiker
  • Arabako Foru Aldundia - Diputación Foral de Álava
  • Ayuntamiento de Vitoria-Gasteiz / Vitoria-GasteizKo Udala
  • Unión Europea – Next Generation EU


Benjamín Juan Gómez Moliner

UPV/EHU, Catedrático Universidad

Es doctor en Zoología por la UPV/EHU y Catedrático de Universidad, con destino docente en la Facultad de Farmacia. Su actividad docente se concentra en el Grado de Ciencias Ambientales, impartiendo las asignaturas en castellano de “Biología Animal. Zoología”, “Biodiversidad”, “Casos prácticos de contaminación ambiental” y “Técnicas aplicadas al trabajo de campo”. Tiene reconocidos cinco sexenios de investigación y un sexenio de transferencia del conocimiento. Su investigación como miembro del Grupo de Investigación Genes, Poblaciones, Ecosistemas: Investigación Fundamental y Aplicada – GIC 21/202 de la UPV/EHU, se centra en estudios de filogenia, filogeografía, taxonomía y estructuración poblacionales, usando los moluscos como modelo biológico, así como diferentes especies de vertebrados de interés en conservación. Actualmente es el Coordinador e Investigador Principal del proyecto PRTR-ESMOLINCO, centrado en la conservación de especies de moluscos e invertebrados costeros de interés en conservación y de especies exóticas invasoras. Tiene reconocidos cinco sexenios de investigación y un sexenio de transferencia del conocimiento.


Naiara Abad Trueba

Álvaro Alonso Fernández

Ramón Manuel Álvarez Halcón

Universidad de Zaragoza

José Ramón Arrébola Burgos

Amaia Barredo Martín

Laura Capdevila Argüelles

Joaquim Manuel Cardoso Reis

María Concepción Durán Lalaguna

Belinda Gallardo Armas

Serge Gofas

Ricardo Gómez Calmaestra

Ruben Llorente Ruiz

Ángel Antonio Luque del Villar

María José Madeira García

Alberto Martínez Ortí

Ramón Martínez Torres

Julián Javier Morales Martín

Diego Moreno Lampreave

Marta Pola Pérez

José Templado González

Carmen Salas Casanova

Eder Somoza Valdeolmillos

Jesús Souza Troncoso

Universidad de Vigo, Doctor en Ciencias Biológicas

Catedrático del Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal, investigador del Centro de Investigación Marina (CIM-UVIGO), Prof. de Zoología en la Facultad de Ciencias del Mar. Ocupó varios puestos de gestión académica, Decano de la Facultad de CC. Mar; Director y Secretario del Departamento de Ecología y Biología Animal; Coordinador del Programa de Doctorado “Biología de Organismos y Ecosistemas”; primer Director del Centro de Investigación Marina CIM-UVIGO; Director de la Estación de Ciencias Marinas ECIMAT. Presidente y Vocal de la Sociedad Española de Malacología (SEM), Secretario de UNITAS Malacologica, Representante Científico de España en ESFRI-EMBRC; Council de MARS Network (European Network of Marine Research Institutes-Stations). Actualmente es Vicepresidente de la SEM; Vicepresidente del Instituto de Cultura Ciencia y Tecnología (ICCT); Vocal de la Directiva de Alumni UVIGO. IP de proyectos europeos, LIFE, INTERREG, H2020, BLUE LAB, MISSIONS; en programas nacionales, MEC, MINECO, Plan Gallego I+D, o internacionales CYTED, Banco Americano de Desarrollo (BID) y varios contratos de investigación. Más de 170 artículos científicos, 15 cap. en enciclopedias, 8 libros. Ed. in chief de Argonauta (1999-2000

Registration fees

RegistrationUntil 31-08-2024
25,00 EUR
10,00 EUR





Sustainable development goals

Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

Sustainable development goals

15 - Life on land

Protect, establish and foster the sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, manage forests sustainably, fight desertification, hold back and reverse the degradation of land and delay the loss of biodiversity. Key issues: the fight against desertification, reforestation, conservation, the regeneration and sustainable use of terrestrial ecosystems, natural habitats, biodiversity, invasive exotic species, integration of the values of ecosystems into planning, poaching.

More information
15. Life of terrestrial ecosystems