XX International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

XX International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction

25.Jun - 28. Jun, 2019 Cod. Z06-19


The 20th edition of the International Human-Computer Interaction conference, Interaction 2019, will be held from 25 to 28 June, 2019, with the support of the Association of Human-Computer Interaction, AIPO and the Spanish chapter of ACM SIGCHI, CHIspa.

The main objective of Interaction 2019 is to bring together researchers, students and professionals of Human-Computer Interaction, coming from both academy and industry, to promote the presentation of innovative proposals, the exchange of ideas and technical discussion.

In this edition, emphasis will be placed on the multidisciplinary approach of Human-Computer Interaction, attracting those who work in related areas: Psychology, Cognitive Ergonomics, Sociology, Design, Human-Robot Interaction, Interaction Hardware, etc.

Participation is open in the following categories:

  • Full and Short papers.
  • Workshop Engendering Technologies 2019 (EGT’2019).
  • Special track: Advances and challenges in human-computer interaction in the digitized industry.
  • Doctoral Colloquium.
  • Experiences and Case Studies.
  • Group Presentations.
  • Posters.
  • Relevant Articles Published.

More information about languages, formats, dates, etc.


Contributions may tackle any topic related to Human-Computer Interaction, in a broad sense, considering the multidisciplinary nature of this research area.

Contributions on Human-Computer Interaction related to Arts and Industrial Design, Psychology and Sociology, Interaction Hardware and Human-Robot Interaction, etc. are also welcome.

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The Interaction 2019, 20th Conference on Human-Computer Interaction will provide a forum for researchers and practitioners involved with Human-Computer Interaction in Spain and Latin-America, and in other parts of the world. It aims to bring together people interested in any aspect of HCI and Interaction Design, to enable them to share their experiences, exchange their ideas, learn from one another, and promote collaboration in HCI research and development.

Activity directed to

  • University students
  • Teachers
  • Professionals
  • Researchers


  • ACM
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza/Gobierno Vasco
  • AIPO


Julio Abascal González

Facultad de Informática UPV/EHU

BSc in Physics (U. de Navarra, 1978) and PhD in Informatics (U. del País Vasco-Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, 1987), is a Professor at the Computer Architecture and Technology Department of the UPV/EHU (Spain), where he has been working since 1981. He leads the Egokituz: Laboratory of Human-Computer Interaction for Special Needs, founded in 1985. His research activity is focussed on the application of Human-Computer Interaction methods to Assistive Technology, including the design of ubiquitous, adaptive and accessible user interfaces, and assistive human-robot interfaces. In addition, he is interested in methods and tools to enhance sensory, physical and cognitive accessibility to the Web. He was the Spanish representative in the IFIP TC13 Committee on HCI, and the former and founder chairman (in 1993) of the IFIP WG 13.3 “HCI and Disability” from 1991 to 2018. He has served as an advisor, reviewer and evaluator for diverse EU research frameworks (TIDE, TAP, IST, etc.) since 1990.


Lai-Chong Law

University of Leicester

In 2011 I was exploring the issue on the measurability of users’ experiences, as inspired by my collaboration with a group of HCI researchers to analyse several fundamental issues. Effie is the first female Professor to be appointed to the Department of Computer Science in Leicester. Since joining the department as a part-time Research Fellow in 2005, she has been promoted three times and now works full-time. Flexible-working arrangements allow her to undertake some of her research from home, so enabling her to balance child-care responsibilities. Effie’s research interests are Usability and User Experience Methodologies, making interactive systems easy and enjoyable to use and, in case of educational technologies, enhancing the learning experience. She works on a number of European projects, which involves travelling abroad at least once a month. A number of meetings are held virtually, which makes life more flexible.

Nuria Oliver

ELLIS, The European Laboratory for Learning and Intelligent Systems, Cofounder and Vicepresident

Dr. Oliver is a computer scientist. She is Chief Scientific Adviser at the Vodafone Institute, Chief Data Scientist at DataPop Alliance, an independent director on the board of directors of Bankia, and Commissioner of the Presidency of Valencia for AI and COVID-19. Previously, she was Director of Data Science Research at Vodafone, Scientific Director at Telefónica and researcher at Microsoft Research. She holds a PhD from the Media Lab at MIT, and is an IEEE Fellow, ACM Fellow, a member of the board of ELLIS, and elected permanent member of the Royal Academy of Engineering of Spain.

Registration fees

RegistrationUntil 10-05-2019Until 10-06-2019Until 25-06-2019
375,00 EUR450,00 EUR525,00 EUR
300,00 EUR375,00 EUR450,00 EUR
225,00 EUR300,00 EUR375,00 EUR
175,00 EUR250,00 EUR325,00 EUR


Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
