Science of Cement and Related Complex Materials (SCRCM19)

Science of Cement and Related Complex Materials (SCRCM19)

15.Juil - 18. Juil, 2019 Cod. Z12-19


Interesting subjects of the PCC2019 workshop are the recent results in interdisciplinary research and testing for determining the key properties of complex materials systems such as cementitious materials. The leitmotiv is a materials science approach where the deep insight of the structure and the underlying processes contribute to understand their behavior under various physical and chemical conditions. Of further interests are also the actual advances in modeling of basic processes and structures when these materials are used.

The workshop will be the ideal platform for discussions on further projects concerning the use of concrete in new challenges faced by environment and society.

Specific topics to be covered are:

  • Clinkering. Crystalline phases
  • Hydration processes
  • Formation and growth of CS-H gel. Mechanical and volume properties
  • Performance and characterization. Durability and sustainability of concrete.
  • Composites based on cement. Nano additions and nanoreinforcements
  • Nonportland types of cement
  • Industrial application ideas…

Oganizing committee:

Andres Ayuela, Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU-MPC and DIPC (chair)

Jorge S. Dolado, Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU-MPC and DIPC (chair)

Silvina Cerveny, Centro de Física de Materiales CSIC-UPV/EHU-MPC and DIPC

Juan José Gaitero, TECNALIA R&I

Edurne Erkizia, TECNALIA R&I

Jose Ramón Leiza, UPV/EHU

Hegoi Manzano, UPV/EHU

Lire la suite


To bring together physicists, chemists, material scientists, and engineers to share their latest findings in the computational and experimental characterization of complex materials in general, but paying special focus on cementitious materials and their bewildering phenomena.

To integrate science and technology of complex materials such as cements. Participants would share their latest results in a comprehensive format related to the future opportunities of these materials.

Activité s'adressant à

  • Alumnado universitario
  • Profesionales


  • Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
  • Euskampus
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza / Gobierno Vasco


Andrés Ayuela

Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC) Centro de Física de Materiales - MPC CSIC- UPV/EHU

Jorge Sánchez Dolado

Tarifs inscription

REGISTRATIONjusqu'au 15-07-2019
300,00 EUR

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