Nanotechnology Meets Quantum Information (NanoQI'17)

Nanotechnology Meets Quantum Information (NanoQI'17)

23.Juil - 28. Juil, 2017 Cod. Z14-17


The summer school NanoQI'17 provides an introduction to the basics and recent advances in major areas of quantum information theory and solid-state-based quantum technologies. Leading experts in the field present both the physics of different implementations of quantum information technologies and the theoretical methods on which the understanding and control of the quantum properties of matter are based and which are laying the groundwork for revolutionary new technologies.

The school is aimed at PhD students and young postdocs interested in quantum information processing and quantum technologies and offers lectures by leading researchers in the field (both from experiment and theory) that offer an overview of the main concepts and methods and explain promising current research directions. In addition it offers a forum for all participants to present and discuss their own research with their colleagues and senior researchers.

Organizing Commitee

J. Ignacio Cirac (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik-Garching b.München, Germany)

Geza Giedke (Ikerbasque Research Professor at Donostia International Physics Center-Donostia-San Sebastian)

Alejandro González-Tudela (Max-Planck-Institut für Quantenoptik-Garching b.München, Germany)

Mikhail D. Lukin (Harvard University-Cambridge, MA, USA)

Ataç Imamoglu (ETH Zurich-Zurich, Switzerland)

Lire la suite


  • DIPC
  • MPQ


Geza Giedke


Tarifs inscription

REGISTRATION FEES2017-07-03 arte
300,00 EUR

Lieu de l'événement

Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia



Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia


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