Culture and Art
Summer Course
Ateak Ireki Dantzan / Dancing

Ateak Ireki Dantzan / Dancing

25.Jun - 26. Jun, 2024 Cod. K04-24


Basque culture and dance are excellent instruments for young Basques in the diaspora to get closer to Basque culture and build a network of relationships with young Basques. Basque dance is an effective instrument to structure the community and get closer to Basque culture, but it is even more powerful and effective among Basques in the diaspora, so body language offers an excellent opportunity for the integration of both communities and the promotion of Basque culture.

Precisely because we need a strong Basque Community, which has presence in the square of the world, we started last year the Ateak Ireki project ( This program aims to contribute to strengthening relationships between young people from the Basque Diaspora and those from Euskal Herria. In 2023, 37 young people of Basque origin moved to Goierri for a three-week stay with their Guipuzkoan host families. Together with the Maizpide euskaltegi, special courses were organized to learn Basque and Basque culture.

Young people from the United States showed their interest in reinforcing the offer of Basque dance courses. For them, Basque dance is one of the most important exponents of their Basque identity. This Summer Course will be organized taking into account this demand, the benefits of dance in the training of young people and the possibilities it offers to access Basque culture.

The Course will be organized in collaboration with the Dantzan Ikasi program, dedicated to the continuous training of Euskal Dantza teachers. Dantzan Ikasi is a program of the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa that has a 15-year history in this field and through it, they will attract dancers from the Basque Country to the course, thus offering the possibility for young people from the diaspora and the country to take the course together and build a network of relationships.

The Course will address the theoretical and practical aspects and will mainly use English and Basque. The main sessions will be offered by expert teachers in the field of Basque dance and the dance will also allow them to live in the ritual context of a Basque festival.

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Contribute to the consolidation of the Basque community in the world through Basque culture and dance.

Increase theoretical and practical knowledge of Basque dance.

Make visible the role of Basque dance in social organization, in Basque culture and in community cohesion.

Practical application of the benefits of body language for social progress and improvement.

Contribute to strengthening the identity of young Basques in the Diaspora.

Activity directed to

  • All public



08:45 - 09:00


09:15 - 09:25

Institutional Opening session. Speaking order:

  • Leire Artola Ugalde | Beasaingo Udaletxea - Alkate andrea
  • Xabier Arruti Olazabal | Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia - Lurralde Oreka Berdeko diputatua
  • Maider Kortajarena Rubio | UIK - idazkari Akademikoa
09:30 - 10:00

“Euskal Dantza eta Euskal Nortasunaren Garapena Diasporan. Basque Dance and Development of Basque Identity in the Diaspora“

  • Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika | UPV/EHU - Ohorezko lankidea
10:00 - 11:00

“Aurreskua eta soka-dantza, herri baten soka (Ingelesez)“

  • Oier Araolaza Arrieta | - Dantzaria
11:00 - 11:30


11:30 - 13:30

“Euskal festetako dantzaldietarako dantza ikastaldi praktikoa I: banangoa, jotak eta dantza-jauziak“

  • Josu Garate Suinaga | Dantzerti - Dantzaria
13:50 - 14:00


16:00 - 18:00

“Goierriko eta Gipuzkoako dantza-sistema eta bere agerpena aurresku eta soka-dantzetan. Saio teoriko praktikoa.“

  • Izaskun Salazar | Aurtzaka Dantza Taldea - Dantzaria
  • Mikel Sarriegi | Aurtzaka Dantza Taldea - Dantzaria


09:30 - 10:30

“Ezpata-dantzak: Europako sistema batean euskal berezitasuna.“

  • Oier Araolaza Arrieta | - Dantzaria
10:30 - 11:00


11:00 - 13:00

“Euskal festetako dantzaldietarako dantza ikastaldi praktikoa II: banangoa, jotak eta dantza-jauziak.“

  • Josu Garate Suinaga | Dantzerti - Dantzaria
13:50 - 14:00


16:00 - 17:00

“Igartzako ezpata-dantzaren azalpen eta ikastaldi praktikoa“

  • Izaskun Salazar | Aurtzaka Dantza Taldea - Dantzaria
  • Mikel Sarriegi | Aurtzaka Dantza Taldea - Dantzaria
18:00 - 20:00



Iñaki Goirizelaia Ordorika

UPV/EHU, Ingeniería de Comunicaciones

Full professor of Telematics Engineering at the University of the Basque Country(UPV/EHU). He was president of UPV/EHU from 2009 to 2017, Vice-rector for University Enterprise Relations from 1998 to 2000, Vice-rector of the Academic Organization area in 2004 and Vice-rector of the Bizkaia Campus from 2005-2008. He was a Visiting Fellow at Stanford Research Institute in California in 1984 and 1985 and later he spent six months in 2004 as a visiting professor at the MediaLab of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. In 2017, he held the Eloise Garmendia Bieter Chair at Boise State University. In his research career, he has worked in three specific areas of focus: AI, artificial vision and security in telecommunications networks. He has authored the textbook "Fundamentals of Programming"(1999), and was co-author of the book "Dancing through networks using Java"(2021). In addition, he is the creator and screenwriter of the documentary “Bai, bagara!” which focuses on Basque values in the diaspora, and he also created the documentary on dance “Lur hau gurea”. He is currently president and co-founder of the PuntuEus foundation and is an honorary member of Jakiunde, the Basque Academy of Science, Art and Letters


Oier Araolaza Arrieta

Oier Araolaza Arrieta (Elgoibar, 1972) dantzaria da. Eibarko Kezka eta Donostiako Argia dantzari taldeetan aritzen da. Urbeltzen zuzendaritzapean Argiaren Alakiketan (1991), Kondharian (1997), Axuri Beltza (2008) eta Martin Zalakain (2017) ikuskizunetan aritu da dantzari. webgunearen sortzailea eta editorea da. Informazio Zientzietan (EHU, 1995) eta Gizarte eta Kultura Antropologian lizentziatua (EHU, 2000), Musikologian egin du masterra (EHU, 2008), Artearen Historian Ikasketa Aurreratuen Agiria (EHU, 2010), eta doktore tesia Gizarte Komunikazioan (EHU, 2020) euskal dantza eta generoa ikertuz Mikel Laboa katedraren babesean. Euskal dantza irakasle izan da Dantzertin (2017) eta EHUn Euskal Dantzari buruzko ikasketetan (2016-2017). Euskal dantzaz hainbat artikulu idatzi ditu Argia, Berria eta Dantzan-en, eta hiru liburu argitaratu ditu: Gregorio Santa Cruz dantza-maisua (Ego-Ibarra, 1998), Euskal Dantza (Etxepare, 2012) eta Genero-identitatea euskal dantza tradizionalaren eraikuntzan (UEU, 2020). 2012tik Eusko Jaurlaritzaren Kulturaren Euskal Kontseiluko kidea da.

Josu Garate Suinaga

Dantzari, maestro de danza y músico aficionado. Finalizados los estudios de arquitectura, tras una década de actividad profesional, transformé la afición en oficio en la asociación Dantzan, en la promoción y difusión de la danza; hoy día en labores de gestión, y coordinación del programa de formación Dantzan Ikasi. Ha crecido en el grupo de danzas Kezka de Eibar en la técnica y repertorio de danzas vascas. En paralelo participo en el grupo Argia desde 1997 bajo la dirección de Juan Antonio Urbeltz y Marian Arregi en diversos proyectos y espectáculos; entre otros el espectáculo "Martin Zalakain" (2017-2022) junto a Ander Lipus y Arkaitz Cano, y la película "Dantza" (2018) junto a Telmo Esnal y Koldobika Jauregi. Soy docente (2017 - ) en Dantzerti, Escuela Superior de Arte Dramático y Danza, impartiendo clases teórico-prácticas en el itinerario de danza vasca. He colaborado con diversos músicos, formaciones, y grupos de danza. Compagino mi tiempo además con los grupos Aiko y MP5 poniendo en movimiento las plazas de nuestros pueblos como músico y dinamizador.

Izaskun Salazar

Secondary school teacher and dancer. Graduated in Communication Sciences (EHU, 1996). She started dancing in the Aurtzaka dance group in Beasain in 1979 and she is currently the president of the group. She has danced in the Euzko Etxea of New York dance group (1999). She is also an Honorary member of the Mother's Guild of Arrate (2013). Dance teacher in Aurtzaka Dance group for several years (1986-1991) and in schools (2019-2023), currently with small sword dancers from Loinatz in Beasain and in the Asmube women association. She has been one of the main promoters of several dance events in Beasain: the Igartza Sword Dancers' Guild and “Sanjoanetako soka dantza” (Saint John’s hand dance) in Beasain, among other dances in Beasain. She is a collaborator of the book Aurtzaka 25 years (2004) and the Saint John’s hand dance of the girls of Beasain,Dancing with nature DVD-booklet(2013). She was a jury member of Dantzagunea Sortuak award (2019) and in 2021 as a collaborator in the production work in the documentary “Azken dantza maisua” (The last dance master).

Mikel Sarriegi

Mendi-Ingeniaria ikasketaz eta lanbidez. Beasaingo herriko tradizioan 1972an hasi zuen dantzari ibilbidea, 1974an Salleko Adiskideak-en eta 1979tik aurrera Aurtzaka dantza taldean aritu da, azken horren zuzendaria izanik gaur egun. Raimundo Gamayo, Martin Iraola eta Jesus Mari Garate dantza-maisuekin ikasia. 1983-1989 bitartean, Madrileko Euskal-Etxeko taldeko dantza-maisua izan zen. Dantzari gisa ibilbide zabalekoa: Argia, Jakintza eta Ostadar taldeekin aritua; Arrateko Amaren eta Andoaingo Santakruz Kofradietako Ohorezko kidea; nazioarteko partaidetzak (Lyongo Dantzaren 5. Biurtekoa, La Habanako 11. Nazioarteko Ballet Jaialdia, Reggio Emiliako Espainiar Dantzaren Gala 1988); zazpi urtez Euskadiko gipuzkoar aurresku txapelduna (1984-1991). Dantza-maisu gisa bultzatu ditu azken urte hauetan, besteak beste: Igartzako dantzarien kofradia, Beasaingo sanjoanetako esku-dantza, Goierriko agintarien soka-dantzak eta “Goierriko” dantzen ikuskizuna. Orain bi hamarkada Gipuzkoako dantza sistemaren eta Goierri Behealdeko dantzen ikerketak hasi zituen, eta hauen inguruko hainbat lan burutu eta lagundu ditu, bai argitalpen, artikulu, hitzaldi eta ikastaroetan: Dantza Beasainen. Aurtzakak 25 urte (2004) liburua.

Registration fees

Face-to-faceUntil 31-05-2024Until 25-06-2024
25,00 EUR59,00 EUR
- 84,00 EUR
- 71,00 EUR
- 59,00 EUR
- 71,00 EUR
- 71,00 EUR
- 71,00 EUR
- 71,00 EUR


Igartzako Jauregian eta Kiroldegian

Beasain Bidea, 20216 Beasain, Gipuzkoa/Igartza Oleta Kalea, 3, 20200 Beasain, Gipuzkoa
