COP29: a Minimal Agreement on Climate Finance
~Open and free activity
~Miramar Palace, San Sebastián or online
Lecture by María José Sanz, scientific director of the Basque Centre for Climate Change, BC3.
On Sunday 24 November, COP29 in Baku (Azerbaijan) ended in extremis in the early hours of Sunday 24 November with a minimal agreement regarding finance, the core issue of this climate summit. Thus, the member countries of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) approved a decision establishing that industrialised countries will have to mobilise at least USD 300 billion a year to support developing countries. This finance target triples the current commitment, but falls far short of the needs and expectations of the most vulnerable countries. Progress was made in areas that had remained unresolved in Dubai, such as the case of the rules to operationalise the carbon market as per Article 6 of the Paris Agreement. Progress also continued on getting the Loss and Damage Fund up and running.
María José Sanz will analyse the main progress achieved in this summit and will go over the unresolved issues that must be addressed on the path to COP30 to be held in Brazil in 2025. The event will be held on the tenth anniversary of the Paris Agreement and before which the countries should unveil their updated climate targets.
Activity directed to
- All public
“COP29: un acuerdo de mínimos en financiación climática“
- María José Sanz Sánchez | BC3 - Directora científica del centro de investigación BC3, Basque Centre for Climate Change.
Eva Caballero kazetariak hizlariarekin elkarrizketa izango du hitzaldia amaitutakoan / La periodista Eva Caballero mantendrá un diálogo con la ponente una vez finalizada la conferencia
Ikerbasque Professor and Scientific Director of the Basque Centre for Climate Change (2016-). She graduated at University of Valencia and post-doct in the Arizona State University. She has worked on research and research-policy at national and international level. She has also worked at Mediterranean Center for Environmental Studies (CEAM) until 2007. She was Senior Officer positions at the secretariat of the UNFCCC supporting climate change negotiations (2007-2011), and at FAO as Program Coordinator of the UNREDD Programme (2012-2015). She held the High Distinction for Scientific Merit of the Generalitat Valenciana (2019). Dr. Sanz has worked extensively on air pollution and climate change and environment issues for 30 years. She has published over 150 scientific papers, among other in Nature, Nature Climate Change and PNAS, and is recognized as an expert in land use and climate change issues. She has been an advisor to and collaborated with many national and international organizations (World Bank, UNDP, UNEP, UNFCCC secretariat, Meridian Institute, the European Commission, the Green Climate Fund and the governments of Spain), and several of its regional governments, Japan, US, and several developing country governments.
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián