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Europako gizarte berrikuntzako errefereentako bat ezagutu nahi al duzu? Gureak taldea mugitzen duten ideiak

Europako gizarte berrikuntzako errefereentako bat ezagutu nahi al duzu? Gureak taldea mugitzen duten ideiak

24.Mar - 24. Mar, 2021 Cod. K01-21


Mintegiaren helburua ALC-k EMUNekin lankidetzan Gureak taldeari buruz egindako ikerketa partekatzea da. Mintegiko parte-hartzaileekin partekatuko den artikulu batean laburbildu da ikerketa hau, eta Gipuzkoako enpresa garrantzitsuenetariko bat bihurtzeko hartutako erabaki estrategikoak hobeto ulertzen saiatzen da. Horren osagarri, Gureak-en balio-sistemari buruzko hausnarketa egiten du ikerketak, Gipuzkoako giza garapen iraunkorraren eredu den aldetik.


Gureak oinarri duen kultura-ereduari balioa ematea.

Gizarte-kohesioaren eta gizarteratzearen inguruko aukerak eta erronkak partekatzea.

Gureak eredua eta Gipuzkoako lurraldearen eredua eta ekosistema giza garapen iraunkorreko eredu gisa lotzea.

Eredu hori garapen iraunkorreko eta gizarte-aldaketako adituekin alderatzea.

Activity directed to

  • All public


  • Gureak
  • Agirre Lehendakaria Center
  • Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia



09:30 - 09:35

Presentation by the Director of the activity

  • Gorka Espiau Idoyaga Agirre Lehendakaria Center
09:35 - 10:00

“Gureak kasua. Caso Gureak“

  • Maria Larraza Malkorra Gureak
10:00 - 10:30

“Gureak eta Gipuzkoa eredua. Gureak y el modelo Gipuzkoa“

  • Xabier Barandiaran Irastorza Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
10:30 - 11:00

“Gureak-en balio-sistema gizarte eraldaketaren ardatz gisa. El sistema de valores de Gureak como eje de la transformación social“

  • Gorka Espiau Idoyaga Agirre lehendakaria Center
11:00 - 11:25

Round table: “Hausnarketak. Reflexiones“

  • Gorka Espiau Idoyaga Agirre lehendakaria Center (Moderator)
  • Carlos Ángel Mataix Aldeanueva ItdUPM
  • Susana Manueco COTEC
11:25 - 11:30

Closing session

  • Maria Larraza Malkorra Gureak


Maria Larraza Malkorra

María Larraza holds a PhD in "Innovation in Management, Entrepreneurship and Cooperativism" and a Master in Business Management and Administration from Mondragon Unibertsitatea, a Master in Commercial Management and Marketing from ESIC and a Degree in Business Humanities from the University of Deusto. She began her professional career in commercial and communication functions in companies such as IBM and IKUSI, and has also developed teaching activities on marketing and business management in the Faculty of Social and Human Sciences at the University of Deusto. She is currently Director of Marketing and Communication at the GUREAK business group.

Xabier Barandiaran Irastorza

Responsable de Estrategia de Etorkizuna Eraikiz

Head of the Office of the Deputy General of Gipuzkoa. PhD in Sociology. Degree in Political Science and Sociology. Professional and political career: - Professor. Social Sciences and Humanities. University of Deusto (2011-present). - Visiting researcher at Kellogg College, Oxford University (2012-2014). - Member of the Board of Directors of EITB. EITB. EAJ-PNV - Member of the Board of Directors of the International Center for Contemporary Culture Tabakalera. EAJ-PNV - Chief of Cabinet of the Deputy General. Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa (2007-2011). EAJ-PNV - Head of Cabinet of the Department of Transport and Public Works. Basque Government (2005-2007). EAJ-PNV - Professor. University of Deusto (1998-2005). - Training technician. Confebask (1997-1998). Positions or representations in other bodies or entities: - Centro Internacional de Cultura Contemporánea de San Sebastián, S.A., member of the Board of Directors of TABAKALERA.

Carlos Ángel Mataix Aldeanueva

He is a full professor in the Organization Engineering Department of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UMP), and director of the Center for Innovation in Technology for Human Development of this University (itdUPM). In 2008 he had been part of the Cabinet of the director of the Spanish Agency for International Development Cooperation (AECID). He has been co-founder of Ingeniería Sin Fronteras (ISF) and vice-president of the Coordinator of NGOs for Development Spain. He is director of business chairs, member of the Iberdrola stakeholder council, and advisor of several business foundations, such as the Carasso Foundation, Cotec and the Spanish Network for Sustainable Development (REDS).

Susana Manueco


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