Culture and Art
Summer Course
Euskal hedabideen audientzia digitala: metrika adostuen garaia

Euskal hedabideen audientzia digitala: metrika adostuen garaia

12.Sep - 13. Sep, 2022 Cod. I10-22


Audientzia digitala aipatu eta klikak datoz akordura: zenbat klik? Nork egiten du klik? Nor dago klik horien atzean? Eta klik guztiak jasotzen ote dira? Gainera, azken hilabeteetan neurgailu berriak merkaturatu dira (Google Analytics 4, esaterako) eta neurtzeko arau berriak ei datoz (cookie bidezko jarraipenean gertatzen ari diren aldaketek joko-arauak berridatziko baitituzte). Aldaketa horietarako euskal komunikabideak prestatzeko lehen urratsak egin dira Euroekualdearen BEHA proiektuari esker 2021-2022 ikasturtean zehar, euskarazko hedabideen audientzia digitala neurtzeko sistema ebaluatzeko eta eguneratzeko lanak, eta bidean lortutako emaitzak aurkeztuko eta kontrastatuko dira ikastaro honen baitan. Euskal Hedabideen Behategiak izaera, mota eta hedapen geografiko ezberdineko zortzi komunikazio proiekturekin egin du lan lehen fasean (Berria, Hamaika TB, Kanaldude, Euskalerria irratia, Elhuyar, Gaztezulo, Anboto eta Alea) eta bigarren fase batean gainontzeko euskarazko hedabideengana zabalduko da egitasmoa. Bigarren fase horretara pasatzeko baina, ezinbestekoa da lehen fasearen emaitzak aurkeztea eta kontrastatzea.

Bestalde, audientzia digitalen esparruan esanguratsuak diren gaiak ere ekarriko dira gurera: Google Analytics eta Googletik haragoko analitikak, edo euskal gazteen kontsumo digitala kasu. Halaber, hedabideak —osoki digitalak izanda ere— ekosistema mediatiko zabalago baten parte dira, horregatik euskal hedabideen audientziak modu globalean neurtzeko proposamen bat ere jarriko da mahai gainean.

Uda Ikastaro honen bidez, euskal audientzia digitalen eremutik abiatuta, metrika adostuen garaira urratsak ematen hasteko lehen gogoeta zabala egingo da unibertsitateak, sektorea eta administrazioak elkartuta.

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Euroeskualdearekin batera Euskal Hedabideen Behategiak burututako BEHA proiektuaren emaitzak jendaurrean aurkeztu eta kontrastatu.

Euskal hedabideen audientzia digitala ezagutzeko bideak, tresnak, aukerak eta erronkak ezagutu.

Metrika adostuen bidean hiru eragile nagusi elkartu eta elkarrekin gogoeta partekatua egin: komunikabideak, administrazioa eta unibertsitatea.

Eragileen arteko lankidetzarako giroa indartzen jarraitu etorkizuneko proiektuei begira.

Activity directed to

  • University student
  • Teachers
  • Professionals
  • All public


  • Behategia
  • Euroeskualdea
  • Hekimen
  • EHUko NOR Ikerketa Taldea



09:00 - 09:15

Izen-ematea eta harrera

09:15 - 09:30

Presentation by the Director of the activity

  • Libe Mimenza Castillo | Behategia / EHUko NOR Ikerketa Taldea - Koordinatzailea / Ikertzailea
  • Igor Astibia Teiletxea | Hekimen - Zuzendaria
  • Leyre Azcona | Euroeskualdea
  • Josu Amezaga Albizu | NOR ikerketa taldea, UPV/EHU - Ikertzailea eta irakaslea
09:30 - 10:30

“Neurketa digitala Espainiako estatuan“

  • Rosario Borrego Rastrero | GFK - Digital Analytics Manager
11:00 - 12:00

“Google Analytics hedabideen sektorean“

  • Mikel Elordi | Lin3s - Analista digitala
12:00 - 13:00

“Analitika digitalak Googletik harago“

  • Jordi Morales | UOC - Sare sozialen ikertzailea
13:00 - 14:00

“EITBren analitika digitalak: antolaketa eta erronkak“

  • Lontzo Sainz Nieto | EITB - Estrategia eta ikerketa zuzendaria
15:30 - 16:00

“Euskal Herriko gazteek komunikatzeko, entretenitzeko eta informatzeko dituzten ohiturak“

  • Beatriz Narbaiza Amillategi | Applika+, UPV/EHU - Ikertzailea eta irakaslea
16:00 - 17:30

“Hitzaldi laburrak eta eztabaidarako plaza“


    • Leire Palacios Egiguren | Komunikatzailea

    Cookie-rik gabe zer?

    • Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri | PuntuEUS - Komunikazio arduraduna

    Google ez, burujabetza bai

    • Asier Iturralde Sarasola | Argia - Kazetaria

    BERRIAren metrikak, analitika kualitatiboak

    • Pello Urzelai Agirre | BERRIA - IKT arduraduna

    Humanitate Digitalak eta hedabideak, begirada osagarriak

    • Xabier Landabidea Urresti | Deustuko Unibertsitatea - Ikertzailea eta irakaslea


    09:00 - 10:00

    “Bien arteko solasaldia: "Euskal hedabideen audientziak: nola neurtu Internet, papera, irratia eta telebista batera?"“

    • Josu Amezaga Albizu | NOR ikerketa taldea, UPV/EHU - Ikertzailea eta irakaslea
    • Edorta Arana Arrieta | NOR ikerketa taldea, UPV/EHU - Ikertzailea eta irakaslea
    10:00 - 11:00

    “BEHA proiektuaren emaitzen aurkezpena“

      BEHA, euskarazko komunikazio espazioaren neurketa digitala eguneratzeko ariketa

      • Libe Mimenza Castillo | Behategia / EHUko NOR Ikerketa Taldea - Koordinatzailea / Ikertzailea
      11:30 - 12:45

      Round table: “BEHA proiektuan parte hartu duten zenbait hedabiderekin mahai-ingurua“


        • Libe Mimenza Castillo | Behategia / EHUko NOR Ikerketa Taldea - Koordinatzailea / Ikertzailea
        • Aritz Martinez de Luna Urzelai | ALEA
        • Aitziber Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute | ELHUYAR
        • Maddi Mochales Zumelaga | HAMAIKA
        • Eki Pagoaga | Kanaldude
        12:45 - 13:45

        “Administrazioa metrikei so“

          Euskararen Adierazle Sistema eta ikerketa lerroak

          • Jon Aizpurua Espin | Eusko jaurlaritza - EAS - Zerbitzuko arduraduna

          Hedabideekiko politikak eta lanketa euskararen sustapenerako

          • Estibaliz Alkorta Barragan | Eusko jaurlaritza- HPS - Euskara sustatzeko zuzendaria
          13:45 - 14:00

          Closing session


            Libe Mimenza Castillo


            Libe Mimenza Castillo (Elorrio, 1988) is a journalist, a communication researcher and a vasco-speaking press agent. He studied journalism at the University of the Basque Country and was later held by the Master in Multimedia Communication and Social Communication. He has worked and researched in the fields of digital and transmedia communication, including the NOR research group. Since 2016 he has been coordinator of the Basque Media Observatory.

            Igor Astibia Teiletxea


            Igor Astibia Teiletxea is Director of HEKIMEN. The HEKIMEN partnership integrates the Basque media that emerged from the popular initiative and works to strengthen and improve the sector.


            Aitziber Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute


            Aitziber Agirre Ruiz de Arkaute (Gasteiz, 1974) She works at the Elhuyar Foundation in the field of science journalism. She is currently the director and editor of Elhuyar magazine, and previously served as the presenter and editor of the TV show Teknopolis. She has a PhD in Biochemistry. She did her PhD in the Biophysics Unit (CSIC-EHU), researching the mechanisms developed by polio, HIV and influenza viruses to infect cells.

            Jon Aizpurua Espin

            Eusko Jaurlaritza, Hizkuntza Politikarako Sailordetza

            Jon Aizpurua Espin (Durango, 1963) Jefe del Servicio de Planificación y Estudios de la Viceconsejería de Política Lingüística del Gobierno Vasco. Miembro correspondiente de Euskaltzaindia desde 2018. Es Licenciada en Filología Vasca.

            Estibaliz Alkorta Barragan

            She is the Director of Basque Language Promotion in the Basque Government's Department of Culture and Language Policy. Formerly Director of Basque at the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and a member of the Basque Language Advisory Board. Graduate in industrial materials engineering and a master's degree in quality management applied to the company.

            Josu Amezaga Albizu


            Josu Amezaga Albizu (Caracas, 1960) is a professor at the University of the Basque Country, Faculty of Social Sciences and Communication, head of the NOR Research Group. He was Director of the Department of Audiovisual Communication and Publicity. Graduate in Sociology and PhD in Political Sociology for the thesis on Basque culture directed by Paulo Iztueta. His academic career has revolved around language, culture, communication and identity, also observing other minority languages of Europe and the world such as the Basque language, both the languages linked to a territory and the migratory languages. He has been a member of the Management Committee for EiTB and Berria.

            Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri

            PuntuEUS Fundazioa, Arduraduna

            Lorea Arakistain Aizpiri (Eibar, 1983). PuntuEUS Fundazioko marketin arduraduna da 2014tik. Komunikazio arloko profesionala, kazetari bezala hasi zuen ibilbide profesionala (Herri Irratia, Euskadi Irratia...) eta zientziare eta teknologiaren gizarteartzean aritu zen Elhuyarren. Ingurune digitalak sortzen zituen aukerak erakarrita komunikazio estrategikoaren eta marketin digitalaren arloan egin ditu azken 10 urteak. Euskarazko marketin digitalaren erronkari aurre egiteko bideak bilatzen ere aritzen da.

            Edorta Arana Arrieta


            He has been a lecturer and researcher at the UPV / EHU since 1988. He previously worked as a journalist for ETB, and has since collaborated with various audiovisual and written media. He graduated in journalism from the University of the Basque Country in 1982 and received his doctorate from the same university in 1995. He teaches radio, television and Internet programming and has published several books and articles on the subject. He is a member of the NOR research team and works on research projects funded by MINECO and the UPV / EHU.

            Leyre Azcona

            Doble Licenciada en Derecho y Administración y Dirección de Empresa por la Universidad Pública de Navarra, y Máster en Asuntos Europeos en Sciences Po Paris. Tras una experiencia en el Parlamento Europeo, he trabajado como consultora de proyectos europeos en Euronet Consulting, centrándome en proyectos de ayuda al desarrollo en el ámbito de las infraestructuras y en CARSA, especializándome en la gestión de proyectos de innovación y transformación digital e industrial. Desde 2018 trabajo en la AECT Eurorregión Nueva-Aquitania Euskadi Navarra como técnica del área de empleo, innovación y formación.

            Rosario Borrego Rastrero

            With more than 20 years of experience in Market Research developing its work in companies of different nature (institute, media agencies, consultants), it has acquired a global view of customer needs and methodologies adequacy. The last 10 years, focused on digital measurement, data Analytics and integration with traditional methods. He has been rapporteur in various forums and seminars with a high involvement with the most representative sectoral associations in the digital and research industry. Regular collaborator in master and teaching. Bachelor of Research and Market Techniques from the UA. Diploma in Statistics from the University of Seville.

            Mikel Elordi

            LIN3S digital analyst in the automotive, media and real estate sectors. He participated in the "Big Data & Business Intelligence" program at Deusto and is familiar with marketing tools.

            Asier Iturralde Sarasola

            Licence en sciences chimiques et spécialiste universitaire en logiciels libres à l'UPV/EHU. Depuis 2012, membre du groupe de développement d'Iametza et développeur web d'ARGIA. eus depuis 2014.

            Xabier Landabidea Urresti

            Xabier Landabidea Urresti (Bilbao, 1981) He is an associate researcher and professor at the Institute of Basque Studies at the University of Deusto. Graduate in Audiovisual Communication and He has a degree in Political Science and Administration. EiTB-Deusto holds a Master's degree in Business, Institutional and Audiovisual Communication and a PhD in Leisure and Human Potential. He is also a member of UEU (the Basque Summer University).

            Aritz Martinez de Luna Urzelai

            Aritz Martinez de Luna Urzelai (Gasteiz, 1981) Director of the media ALEA. He is also a member of the board of directors of TOKIKOM, as well as a member of the board of directors of the Euskaltzaleen Topagunea. He is a member of the Basque Language Committee of the Provincial Council of Araba and a member of the Basque Language Committee of Vitoria-Gasteiz City Council.

            Maddi Mochales Zumelaga

            Hamaika Telebista, Ekoizpen eta teknika arduraduna

            She is responsible for the production and technical resources of Hamaika Telebista. Degree in Audiovisual Communication from the University of the Basque Country.

            Jordi Morales

            Jordi Morales-i-Gras has a doctorate in Sociology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). His area of ​​specialization is Computational Social Science, with a strong emphasis on Social Network Analysis and Artificial Intelligence. He is a professor of Advanced Information Systems at the Chamber of Bilbao Business School, collaborates as a teacher in the Master's Degree in Models and Areas of Social Research at the UPV/EHU, in the Master's Degree in Social Media at the UOC and in the Postgraduate Course in Business Analytics. Data from the Col·legi de Professionals de la Ciència Politica i Sociología de Catalunya. He is also the founder and CEO of Network Outsight, a consulting company specializing in the sociological analysis of Big Data.

            Beatriz Narbaiza Amillategi


            Beatriz Narbaiza Amillategi (Ermua, 1968) She has a degree in Journalism and a PhD in Audiovisual Communication. UPV-EHU researcher and lecturer in undergraduate and master's degrees. She has published several book chapters and articles.

            Eki Pagoaga

            Leire Palacios Egiguren

            PuntuEus Fundazioa

            Leire Palacios Eguiguren (Bilbao, 1986) She has a degree in Audiovisual Communication and Humanities. She has studied for a Master's degree in Business Internationalization, Teaching and Digital Humanities in various cultural projects. Combining Digital Humanity with innovation, she focuses her work on language, culture and experimentation in the creation and management of projects in the digital environment which she runs parallel to the business sector. She has worked in digital media, print media, radio, and television.

            Pello Urzelai Agirre

            EUSKAL EDITOREA S.L.

            Pello Urzelai Agirre (Bilbao, 1961) He is a journalist and head of ICT at Berria. He was the head of the politics section at Berria and previously worked for Euskaldunon Egunkaria, Argia and Hemen.

            Lontzo Sainz Nieto


            Lontzo Sainz is the Director of Strategy and Research at EITB. He studied journalism at the University of the Basque Country, collaborating with the EFE agency and the DEIA newspaper. He joined EITB as a fellow and later became a journalist, head of news, co-editor and editor. In 1999 he became head of the EITB Group press and in 2004 head of the news portal. He later became the head of the first organization and analytical structure of Social Networks, and until 2018, head of news and participation. He joined the new Digital Transformation Directorate that year and has been Director of Strategy and Research since last year.

            Registration fees

            Face-to-faceUntil 12-09-2022
            80,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            56,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            Live onlineUntil 12-09-2022
            80,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            56,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR
            68,00 EUR


            Miramar Palace

            Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



            Miramar Palace

            Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


            Sustainable development goals

            Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

            Sustainable development goals

            16 - Peace, justice and strong institutions

            Foster peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, facilitate access to justice for everyone and construct efficient and inclusive institutions that are accountable at all levels. Key issues: a reduction in violence, mistreatment and exploitation, the rule of law, equal access to justice, a reduction in corruption and bribery, efficient and transparent institutions, participation, access to information, protection of fundamental freedoms.

            More information
            16. Peace, justice and solid institutions