HIGA! 2023: 4th Summit of Young Speakers from Minoritized Languages

17.Jul - 21. Jul, 2023 Cod. G13-23


On the one hand, the key to the future of minoritized languages will be that new generations want to revitalize their languages. On the other hand, by working together between different language communities, you can share experiences and knowledge and build networks of cooperation. There are many ways to train and activate youngster in language revitalization, for example, a four-day summit organized by and for young people.



To offer young Basque speakers of Vitoria-Gasteiz and the Basque Country the opportunity to know language activistss from all over the world and to establish relations for the future.


Promote linguistic cooperation between different communities around the world as a means of linguistic revitalization.

Youth activation and training space, combining the academic area with other areas.

Activity directed to

  • All public
  • University student
  • Students not from university
  • Professionals
  • Young speakers from all over the world

Organised by

  • Gasteizko Udala

In collaboration with

  • UNESCO's International Decade of Indigenous Languages
  • Hizkuntza Politika Sailburuordetza (Eusko Jaurlaritza)
  • Arabako Foru Aldundia
  • Bizkaiko Foru Aldundia
  • Gipuzkoako Foru Aldundia
  • Euskarabidea (Nafarroako Gobernua)
  • Badalab
  • Euskaltzaindia
  • Munduko Hizkuntza Ondarearen Unesco Katedra
  • Rise Up
  • Garabide
  • Soziolinguistika Klusterra
  • Rising Voices
  • EHU
  • Etxepare Euskal Institutua
  • NPLD
  • ELEBILAB ikerketa taldea (EHU)


Beñat Garaio Mendizabal

Biziherri IGB, Koordinatzailea

PhD Cum Laude at the University of the Basque Country. His career has focused on research on the revitalization and sociolinguistics of minority languages (he has about 60 presentations and 60 scientific publications) and has focused on organizing awareness and promotion activities in these two areas (such as HIGA) . He has won five research awards, the lasts being the Eusko Ikaskuntza Laboral Kutxa Gaztea Award and the Koldo Mitxelena Award for the best thesis in Basque.


lorea agirre agirre

Jakin, Zuzendaria

Lorea Agirre Dorronsoro (Beasain, 1968) Informazio Zientzietan lizentziatua da eta Antropologia Kulturalean master duna. Lanbidez, kazetaria da, Argia, Euskaldunon Egunkaria eta Berria-n aritutakoa urte luzez, eta egun, Jakin aldizkariko zuzendaria da. Irakasle ere izan da Mondragon Unibertsitateko Huhezi fakultatean eta baita EHUn ere. Bere ikerketa gai nagusiak hizkuntza, kultura eta komunitatearen arteko loturak dira, betiere genero ikasketen markoan. 'Trikua esnatu da. Euskaratik feminismora eta feminismotik euskarara' (Susa, 2019) da bere azken liburua, Idurre Eskisabel Larrañagarekin lau eskutara idatzia. 'Gezurra ari du. Egunkariaren itxieraren kronika' eta Rosa Luxemburg eta Joxemi Zumalaberen biografia bana ere argitaratuak ditu

Chaimae Benlemchkraf

Silvia Cebolla Civil

Lengua aragonesa

June Fernández Casete

June Fernández Casete (Bilbao, 1984) es periodista de formación, oficio y vocación. Fundadora de Pikara Magazine, colabora regularmente tanto con esta revista feminista como con la revista ARGIA. Ha recopilado en el libro 'Abrir el melón' sus textos más significativos, entre los que destaca "Yo quería sexo, pero no así" (2013), sobre consentimiento sexual, reconocido con el Premio Colombine de la Asociación de Periodistas de Almería. Ha facilitado numerosos espacios formativos sobre tratamiento informativo a las violencias machistas, para periodistas y personal político. Es autora del capítulo sobre análisis mediático de la publicación de Mugarik Gabe "Flores en el asfalto. Causas e impactos de las violencias machistas en las vidas de mujeres víctimas y supervivientes". En la actualidad, trabaja en la Asociación de Mujeres Gitanas de Euskadi (AMUGE).

Beñat Jusué

Tymoteusz Krol Kaiser

Association "Wilamowianie"

Hector Josue Martinez Flores

Timumachtikan Nawat

Mariona Miret Giribet

Mariona Miret Revitalització lingüística

Mamadou Moussa

Ane Murua Mugica

Gabrièu Pelisson

Parpalhon Blau



Ayoub Zahraoui

Gemma Sanginés Saiz

Psikologoa, Salamancako Unibertsitatean litzenziatua. Kirol psikologian (UNED) eta Jokaeraren aldaketan (CENTRO KANTOR, Salamanca) masterrak. Ikertzeko nahikotasuna (Universidad de Salamanca) Hiztun gutxituen jokaeran aditua. Hizkuntza Asertibitatean lan egiten du 2003. urtetik. TELP (Taller d’espai lingüístic personal) sortzailetako bat. Irten Hizkuntzaren armairutik (2015) liburua idatzi du, Ferran Suay-rekin batera.

Registration fees

RegistrationUntil 17-07-2023
50,00 EUR


Montehermoso kulturunea

Helbidea: Frai Zacarias Martinez, 2 01001 Gasteiz



Montehermoso kulturunea

Helbidea: Frai Zacarias Martinez, 2 01001 Gasteiz


Sustainable development goals

Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

Sustainable development goals

17 - Partnerships for the goals

Strengthen the means of implementation and revitalise the World Alliance for Sustainable Development. Key issues: mobilisation of resources, 0.7% of GDP for official overseas development aid, finances, cooperation in technology and innovation, ecologically rational technologies, skills building, universal and multilateral trade system, coherence on the legislative and institutional levels, availability of data, supervision, indicators and accountability.

More information
17. Alliances to achieve the objectives