II University - Vocational Training Conference: New Spaces for Collaboration
The UPV/EHU is taking steps to build bridges between Vocational Training and University Education within the Basque University-Business Strategy 2022. One of the actions proposed in response to these strategic objectives is the definition of the Basque framework for collaboration between the University degrees and Vocational Training.
This conference aims to make further progress along these lines through the involvement of key agents in its development.
After the first edition, the entities involved have created working groups, and in this second edition, we will know the results of its development during 2023.
Once again this year the conference will take the format of a day, from 09:00 to 14:30, with the opening and closing by the Vice-Ministers of Vocational Training and Universities and Research, and we will learn about the experience of the University of Hamburg in Germany.
- Lecture: Towards new learning pathways. Deputy Minister for Vocational Training, Jorge Arévalo.
- Collaboration between universities, companies and vocational schools in the Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg - UAS (BHH). Professor of Applied Informatics, Dr. Henning Klaffke.
- Students' experiences: Reflection of students who have completed the training from vocational education to university and from university to vocational education.
- Working groups: Education, Health, Steam, Humanity+Social Sciences.
- Results of the working groups. Themes developed during the year, proposals, pilot experiences and next steps.
- During the final lunch, we will have the opportunity to share what happened during the day.
To build bridges between vocational training and university education, taking into account social needs. From this context and global vision, four pillars are envisaged:
- Sharing the orientations and challenges of social transformation and reflecting on the needs of future students and professionals.
- To define in this environment the types of bridges and areas of collaboration between Vocational Education and Training and the University.
- Prioritise two areas of collaboration and define actions for their elaboration.
- Define and implement the steps to set up an example in each group.
Activity directed to
- All public
- University student
- Students not from university
- Teachers
- Professionals
- Companies

Laura Vozmediano Sanz
University of the Basque Country, Vice-Rector of Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Innovation UPV/EHU
Full professor of the Department of Social Psychology in the Faculty of Psychology at the UPV/EHU. Member of the consolidated investigation group CRIM-AP. Currently, vice-rector of Undergraduate Studies and Teaching Innovation at UPV/EHU.

Fernando Tapia Alberdi
Vice-Rector of Students and Employability UPV/EHU
Doctor in Law from the UPV/EHU. Professor of Philosophy of Law at the Law Faculty of the UPV/EHU. Former member of the IISJ (International Institute for the Sociology of Law) Goberning Board, member of the UNED-Bergara Foundation Board of Trustees, Academic Secretary of the Administrative Law, Constitutional Law and Philosophy of Law Department, Director of Development and External Relations of the Gipuzkoa Campus and Vice-rector of Scientific Development and Transfer of the UPV/EHU. Experienced in public and private management, holding positions of Provincial Deputy for Social and Institutional Relations with Gipuzkoa Provincial Government, joint manager of the Cross-Border Agency for development of the Bayonne-Donostia Basque Eurocity, member of the Working Community of the Pyrenees Assembly and president of the Kirolgi Foundation. He is currently a member of the Management Board of the “Legal Clinic for Social Justice” at the Faculty of Law of the UPV/EHU and of the AKTIBA-IT research group. He also holds the position of Vice-Rector for Students and Employability of the UPV/EHU.

Jorge Arévalo Turrillas
Teacher of Vocational Training since 1978, specialising in Building and Civil Engineering at the Higher Vocational Training Institute of San Sebastian, having held various management positions there. Director of Vocational Training of the Basque Government (1995 - 2001). Vice-Minister of Vocational Training and Lifelong Learning of the Basque Government (October 2001 - October 2005). Advisor to the General Director of Vocational Training of the Ministry of Education (2008 - 2011). Draftsman and Rapporteur of the 2nd National Vocational Training Programme. Responsible for the implementation and development of the 1st and 2nd Basque Vocational Training Plan.

Agustin Erkizia Olaizola
UPV/EHUko Gipuzkoako Errektoreordea, Economía Financiera I
PhD in Economics and Business Studies from the UPV/EHU (2012) and Professor of Accounting at the UPV/EHU since 1989. He is the author of one book and co-author of three books and more than 25 scientific articles. He has participated in 11 research projects, 18 R&D contracts with companies and/or administrations and has co-directed a doctoral thesis. He has directed the postgraduate course Herri Erakundeen Kudeaketa (HEREKU) (2002-2008) and is the vice-rector of the Gipuzkoa Campus of the UPV/EHU (2017-present). He is a member of the research group ETICOP-IT (Ética en Comunidades de Práctica / Ethics in Communities of Practice Ikerketa Taldea). He is co-founder of the association Biziraun, Maite dugun norbaiten suizidioak mindutako pertsonen elkartea / Asociación de personas afectadas por el suicidio de un ser querido, and has participated in the organisation of the following summer courses: "Prevención, intervención y postvención en la conducta suicida: una tarea comunitaria (2017)”, “El suicidio: abordaje multidisciplinar (2018)”, “Suicidio: duelo y prevención (2019)”, “Entre el enigma y el estigma: una mirada a la realidad del suicidio (2020)” y “Abordaje del fenómeno del suicidio desde diferentes perspectivas (2021)”.

Bihotz Ibarzabal Zabala
Harrobia Ikastola

Henning Klaffke
Professor für Angewandte Informatik bei Berufliche Hochschule Hamburg
Prof Dr Henning Klaffke has been Professor of Applied Computer Science at the Hamburg University of Cooperative Education since August 2021. From 2005 to 2021, he taught and researched at the Institute of Technical Education and University Didactics in the field of subject-specific teacher training for vocational schools specialising in media technology and electrical engineering/information technology. He completed his doctorate in 2014 with a thesis entitled "Quality of vocational standards". He completed his studies in 2004 with the first state examination for the teaching profession at vocational schools in the fields of wood and plastics technology and computer science, and in 1999 he completed his vocational training as a cabinetmaker with honours. In the years following his doctorate, Mr Klaffke led many research projects in the field of digitalisation and vocational education and wrote numerous publications in this area. His work focuses on advancing digitalisation and computerisation in various areas, while always maintaining a focus on vocational education and training.

Adolfo Morais
Adolfo Morais Ezquerro is Deputy Minister of Universities and Research of the Basque Government. He holds a PhD in Computer Science from the UPV/EHU, a Postgraduate Degree in Education from Canterbury Christ Church University, a Master's Degree in Microcomputing from Microsoft and a Bachelor of Science in Mathematics from the UPV/EHU.

Mikel Vicario
MEKA LHII ikaslea
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Carlos Santamaría Zentroa
Plaza Elhuyar, 2. 20018- Donostia / San Sebastián
Carlos Santamaría Zentroa
Plaza Elhuyar, 2. 20018- Donostia / San Sebastián