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Summer Course
EN LIGNE - Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020

EN LIGNE - Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020

30.Oct - 30. Oct, 2020 Cod. X95-20



Rencontre Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020, le 30 octobre 2020 (en ligne).

Le 30 octobre prochain se tiendra l’Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020. Nous aurions aimé rassemblé toute la communauté Euskampus Bordeaux comme lors des éditions précédentes à Bordeaux ou à Donostia-Saint Sébastien mais cette année nous avons opté pour un format en ligne qui nous permettra de faire le point sur notre Alliance et prendre le pouls des multiples collaborations en cours, loin d’avoir faibli pendant cette riche année écoulée.

Cet Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna marquera le lancement d’une année importante. En 2020-2021, sera célébré, en effet, le dixième anniversaire du Campus d’Excellence International Euskampus de l’UPV/EHU, Tecnalia et du DIPC, d’IdEx Bordeaux et de la naissance du Campus transfrontalier Euskampus Bordeaux.

  • Table ronde Covid 19: des chercheurs de l'Université de Bordeaux et l'Université de Pays Basque/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea discuteront des effets, des défis et de projets concrets engendrés par cette pandémie mondiale, pour la recherche, l'université et l'alliance Euskampus Bordeaux
  • Programme Euskampus Resilience Covid 19: présentation de projets selectionnés
  • Project Ocean i3
  • Progress de project ENLIGHT
  • Laboratoires de Coopération Transfrontalière (LTC): présentation des nouveaux LTCs et des avancées des existants
  • Présentation d'Urte Nagusia Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna
  • Cloture institutionelle Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020

L'événement sera diffusé dans une version quadrilingue et une traduction simultanée sera fournie.


Les inscriptions seront ouvertes jusqu'au 27 octobre.




On October 30 we will celebrate Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020. We would like to be able to bring together the entire Euskampus Bordeaux community in a great meeting as in the two previous editions, in Donostia-San Sebastián  and in Bordeaux. However, this year we have decided to offer you  a short online format that will help us know the status of our Alliance and stay in touch with the multiple collaborations underway.

In this Euskampus-Bordeaux Eguna we will launch the txupinazo to celebrate a great year. The academic year 2020-21 is the 10th anniversary of the launching  of UPV / EHU, Tecnalia and DIPC Campus of International Excellence Euskampus, and the beginning of the Cross-Border Campus with the University of Bordeaux.

  • COVID table: researchers from the University of Bordeaux and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea will discuss the effects and challenges of this global pandemic for research, the University and the Euskampus Bordeaux Alliance
  • Euskampus Resilience COVID-19 Program: several selected projects will be presented
  • Ocean i3 Proyect
  • ENLIGHT proyect updating
  • Laboratories for Cross-borders Cooperation (LTCs) Presentation of new LTC and advances of the existing ones
  • Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna's Urte Nagusia Presentation
  • Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna Institutional closing

The event will be broadcast in a quadrilingual version and simultaneous translation will be provided.


Registration will be opened until October 27th.


Read more


Faire le point sur notre Alliance et prendre le pouls des multiples collaborations en cours, loin d’avoir faibli pendant cette riche année écoulée.

Know the status of our Alliance and stay in touch with the multiple collaborations underway.


Activity directed to

  • University student
  • Students not from university
  • Teachers
  • Professionals
  • All public


  • Université Bordeaux
  • Tecnalia
  • DIPC
  • euskampus
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza - Gobierno Vasco
  • Nouvelle Aquitaine
  • Ikerbasque
  • CAF
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza - Hezkuntza Saila



09:45 - 10:00

Online sesioaren hasiera eta ongietorria / Début de la session en ligne et bienvenue / Online brodcast beginning and welcome / Inicio de la emisión y acogida

10:00 - 10:50

“COVID mahaia: Bordeleko Unibertsitateko eta Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko ikertzaileak munduko pandemia honen ikerketarako, unibertsitaterako eta Euskampus Bordeaux lankidetzarako ondorioez mintzatuko dira. / COVID table: researchers from the University of Bordeaux and the University of the Basque Country/Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea will discuss the effects and challenges of this global pandemic for research, the University and the Euskampus Bordeaux Alliance“

  • Marie Line Andreola Laboratorio MFP - Co-directora
  • Rodolphe Thiebaud Director del Bordeaux Population Health (BPH) y del departamento salud pública de la Universidad de Burdeos
  • Sara de la Rica Goiricelaya Catedrática de Economía en la Universidad del País Vasco (UPV/EHU) y Directora de ISEAK
  • Joseba Laka Mugartza Director ICT Division / European Software Institute at TECNALIA Research & Innovation
  • Joan Pageze Vicepresidenta de Internacionalización de la Universidad de Bordeaux, Presidenta de la EAIE Expert Community Language and Culture para el mandato 2020-2022
10:50 - 11:30

Euskampus Resilience Covid-19 programa: hautatutako proiektuak aurkeztuko dira / Programme Euskampus Resilience Covid 19: présentation de projets selectionnés / Euskampus Resilience COVID-19 Program: several selected projects will be presented /Programa Euskampus Resilience Covid-19: varios proyectos seleccionados serán presentados

11:30 - 11:40

Ocean i3 Proiektua / Project Ocean i3 / Ocean i3 Proyect / Proyecto Ocean i3

11:40 - 11:50

ENLIGHT proiektuaren aurrerapenak / Progress de project ENLIGHT / ENLIGHT proyect updating / Avances Proyecto ENLIGHT

11:50 - 12:30

Lankidetzako Mugaz Gaindiko Laborategiak (LTC): LTC berrien aurkezpena eta daudenen aurrerapenak / Laboratoires de Coopération Transfrontalière (LTC): présentation des nouveaux LTCs et des avancées des existants par leurs porteurs / Cross-Border Cooperation Laboratories (LTC): presentation of the new LTC and advances of the existing ones / Laboratorios Transfronterizos de Cooperación (LTC): presentación de los nuevos LTC y avances de los existentes

12:30 - 12:40

Euskampus Bordeaux Egunaren Urte Nagusia. Aurkezpena / Présentation d'Urte Nagusia Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna / Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna's Urte Nagusia Presentation / Presentación de Euskampus Bordaux Eguna Urte Nagusia

12:45 - 13:15

Euskampus Bordeaux Egunaren itxiera instituzionala / Cloture institutionelle Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna 2020 / Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna Institutional closing / Cierre institucional Euskampus Bordeaux Eguna (Nekane Balluerka, Manuel Tuñon de Lara, Iñaki San Sebastián, Ricardo Diez, Basque Government and Nouvelle Aquitaine Government representatives)


Itxaso Etxebarria Lekanda

Euskampus Fundazioa

She holds a Master’s Degree European Master in Multilingualism and Education issued by the UPV/EHU Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology, a Master’s degree in Business Administration from the Bilbao School of Engineers (UPV/EHU), and a Master's degree in Foreign Trade from the Elkano School of Business Studies (UPV/EHU). She completed post-degree studies at the University of Pau and Pays de l'Adour, and she holds a Bachelor Degree in Philosophy and Literature (English Philology section) from the University of Deusto. She does research on the multilingual projects developed by Euskampus Fundazioa (such as Heraklito Pole for Global Communication, or Ocean i3 ) and she has presented her work at national and international conferences. Born in Bilbao, Basque Country (Spain) and lived in Hollister (California, USA) in the UK (London and Worthing) , and in France (Pau). She is Euskampus Fundazioa’s Outreach and Multilingualism Head, part of the Euskampus team since 2012.


Marie Line Andreola

Marie-Line Andreola was born in Sainte-Foy-la-Grande, France. She did her university under-graduate studies and obtained her PhD from the University of Bordeaux 2, France. She spent a post-doctoral staying in Stanford University. Back in France she was recruited as a CNRS scientist and currently she is research director in the CNRS and group leader at the MFP CNRS UMR 5234 (Laboratory for Fundamental Microbiology and Pathogenicity) at the University of Bordeaux. She is co-director of the MFP. She is head of the UB’L3 platform of the UMS TBM core of the university of Bordeaux. She developed over the last 20 years’studies on fundamental and applied topics in L3 confinement for HIV-1, HCV and Zika, to understand the mechanism by which those viruses are replicated. She has 91 publications, h-index 30 and coauthored 8 patents.

Sara de la Rica Goiricelaya

Universidad del País Vasco

Sara de la Rica, is Professor of Economics at the University of the Basque Country (UPV-EHU) and since its constitution in 2018, Director of the ISEAK Foundation. His area of specialty is the Labor Market, and in particular, labor inequalities caused by socioeconomic factors, sex, origin or age. She also deals with the analysis of poverty and the challenges of digitalization, and currently holds other positions such as Member of the Board of Iberdrola, Associate Researcher at IZA (Institute of Labor Economics) and Member of the Reflection Forum of AMETIC (Multisectorial Association of Spanish Electronics and Communications Companies). In 2018 Sara received the Award for «Basque Economist 2018, Ekonomistak Saria 2018«, awarded by the Basque College of Economists.

Joseba Laka Mugartza

As of today I direct a team of researchers and technology developers in Tecnalia, aimed at the creation and development of different digital technologies for the benefit of innovative companies. We also work to improve digital competences of our society as a whole. These technologies are all about system life cycle engineering, the internet of things, cybersecurity, high-performance architectures, advanced interaction, digital platforms...and of course artificial intelligence. I have 25 years of experience in the digital industry, having worked 10 of those years in the telecommunications sector at a wide range of locations (especially Europe, and to a lesser extent Asia).

Joan Pageze

Vice-President for Internationalization at the University of Bordeaux, Joanne Pagèze teaches at the Department of Languages and Cultures. She has a research interest in language policy, internationalisation of learning and teaching and teacher development in higher education. Chair of the EAIE expert community on Language and Culture, she is also assistant-editor for the European Journal of Language Policy and board member of the French national association for language centres (RANACLES) affiliated to CERCLES.

Rodolphe Thiebaud

Medical doctor, with specialization in Public Health with a PhD in Biostatistics from Bordeaux University. He started his research carrier at the INSERM in 2002. He has been a research fellow in the Immunobiology Division of the Institute of Child Health (London) in 2007. Now Professor in Public Health / Biostatistics at the UB, he leads a research group (Statistics in Systems Biology and Translational Medicine) devoted to the modelling and analysis of high-dimensional data mainly applied to immunology through the French Vaccine Research Institute (embedded in the Bordeaux Population Health (BPH) and recognized as an INRIA project team). He is in charge of the medical information department of the Bdx University Hospital and also the Director of the Dpt of research in Public Health of the UB, the deputy director of the BPH (11 teams) and the Director of the Graduate School of Digital Public Health, coordinator of the Master of Public Health Data Science at ISPED.

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