Culture and Art
Free registration
Summer Course
MUG'ARTEAN: ikerketa eta sorkuntza solasean mugari begira

MUG'ARTEAN: ikerketa eta sorkuntza solasean mugari begira

16.Jul - 16. Jul, 2024 Cod. G14-24


Jarduera hau UPV/EHU eta UPPA-ko ikerleek proposatzen dute Ipar Euskal Herriko Garapen Kontseiluarekin lankidetzan, muga eta artearen harremanen inguruko hausnarketak proposatuz.

Schengen espazioko Euskal Herriko muga eta Schengen espaziotik kanpo bilakatua den Irlandako mugaren inguruan, ikerlariek eta artistek egin lanketa ezagutzera ematera du helburu. Ikerketa eta sorkuntza lotzen dituen esperimentazio desberdinetan oinarrituz, munduko hainbat muga politiko desberdinetan gertatutakoak, jardunaldi honen bidez muga nozioaren inguruko solasaldia eta galdekatzea sortu nahi du baita zientzia sozialen eta artearen arteko harremana eratu.

Batez ere antropologoen lanetan oinarrituko da jardunaldia, arte lanetan oinarritzen den muga kontzeptuaren inguruko paradigma berri baten proposatzeko eta bestalde, nola muga, arte prozesuen jatorrian den analizatuko da. Sortzaile-artistak ere hor izanen dira beraien esperientzia eta gogoetak partekatzeko mugaz. Azkenik, Garapen Kontseiluak, UPV/EHU eta Cederna-Garalur elkartearekin eramaten duen MUGALUR proiektuaren lehen emaitzen bilduma bizi eta artistikoaren momentua izanen da, proiektu honek sortzaileak lotu dituelarik denbora guzian.


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Mugaren izaeraz eta eraginaz hausnartu, munduko egoera desberdinetan oinarrituz.

Zientzia sozialak eta artearen harremanak eratu mugaren konzeptuaren lanketan.

Schengen espazio barneko Euskal Herriko muga eta Schengen espazioko kanpo bilakatua den Irlandako mugaren inguruan, ikerlariek eta artistek egin lanketa ezagutzera ematera. 

Activity directed to

  • All public
  • University student
  • Students not from university
  • Teachers
  • Professionals
  • MUGALUR proiektuko parte-hartzaile eta partaideak


Aitzpea Leizaola Egaña


Anthropologist. She studied linguistics and anthropology in Paris. PhD in anthropology from the Université Paris Nanterre, she is an associate lecturer at the UPV/EHU and director of its Official Master's Degree in Anthropology. She has been Basque Visiting Fellow at Oxford University. She has been a visiting researcher at several international universities, including the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Milan and the Max Planck Institute. She won the Visual Fest 2014 Award in Rome for her work "Abordatzera! Ethnographic documentary ". She has published nearly 30 articles in scientific journals and has been a founder and member of the editing group of the journal Ankulegi. She is regularly involved in dissemination through lectures and opinion articles. She has carried out multi-situated and long-term fieldwork mainly in the Basque Country, but also in other contexts, in Spain and Turkey. She has carried out fieldwork with the Aranzadi Science Society on the mass graves of the Spanish War. Expert in processes of identity construction, her main research topics are among others borders, heritage, memory in post-conflict contexts, the concept of tradition and Basque culture in general.


Dom Campistron

Elena Casiriain Iturriria

Gari Garaialde

Asier Gogortza

Aitzpea Leizaola Egaña


Anthropologist. She studied linguistics and anthropology in Paris. PhD in anthropology from the Université Paris Nanterre, she is an associate lecturer at the UPV/EHU and director of its Official Master's Degree in Anthropology. She has been Basque Visiting Fellow at Oxford University. She has been a visiting researcher at several international universities, including the University of Buenos Aires, the University of Milan and the Max Planck Institute. She won the Visual Fest 2014 Award in Rome for her work "Abordatzera! Ethnographic documentary ". She has published nearly 30 articles in scientific journals and has been a founder and member of the editing group of the journal Ankulegi. She is regularly involved in dissemination through lectures and opinion articles. She has carried out multi-situated and long-term fieldwork mainly in the Basque Country, but also in other contexts, in Spain and Turkey. She has carried out fieldwork with the Aranzadi Science Society on the mass graves of the Spanish War. Expert in processes of identity construction, her main research topics are among others borders, heritage, memory in post-conflict contexts, the concept of tradition and Basque culture in general.

Jone Taberna Estomba

Registration fees

Face-to-faceUntil 17-07-2024



