The Role of the European Investment Bank in the Transition towards a Sustainable Economy
A dialogue on lessons learned in the EIB transition towards the European Climate Bank
In response to the Green Deal adopted by the European Commission at the end of 2019, the European Investment Bank's Board of Directors decided to convert the institution into the European Climate Bank. That marked the start of an in-depth transformation to support the green transition within and outside the European Union financially, which reflects how the financial system is evolving. The European Green Deal is a set of political initiatives designed to address the climate crisis and steer the European Union towards being climate neutral by 2050; its specifical goals to reduce greenhouse gas emissions address areas such as energy, transport, taxation and climate change adaptation.
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“El papel del Banco Europeo de Inversiones en la transición hacia una economía sostenible“
- Esther Badiola | Oficina de Cambio Climático en las Operaciones del Banco Europeo de Inversiones (BEI) - Asesora Principal
Eva Caballero kazetariak hizlariarekin elkarrizketa izango du hitzaldia amaitutakoan / La periodista Eva Caballero mantendrá un diálogo con el ponente una vez finalizada la conferencia

Esther Badiola
Senior Adviser of the Climate Change Office in the EIB Operations Department
Senior Adviser of the Climate Change Office in the EIB Operations Department Esther Badiola is Senior Adviser of the Climate Change Office in the Operations Department at the European Investment Bank (EIB). She joined the EIB in November 2001. In 2013, she headed the Bank's first climate change strategy (2015); from 2018 to 2021, she was posted to the EIB Washington Office to work in a global environment with other multilateral development banks and the United Nations. Prior to joining the EIB, Esther worked in auditing (Arthur Andersen), at Analistas Financieros Internacionales (AFI), and for the telecom regulators in Spain and Ireland. Esther graduated in Economics from the Autonomous University of Madrid (UAM) and has a Master's Degree in Applied Environmental Economics from London University. She regularly writes on sustainability issues, contributed to the latest IPCC report on climate change mitigation, and has also been a visiting professor at George Washington University, SciencesPo and AFI Escuela (Madrid).
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián