Socio-economic change will come about when we realise that there is only one health
We need change to solve the environmental crisis, and the risks for the planet’s health can trigger action.
There is increasing evidence of humanity’s unsustainable course. A course that manifests itself especially in climate change, the biodiversity crisis and multiple forms of pollution. Three decades of scientific reports on environmental diagnosis have not been enough to significantly change the social structure and economic model. The breakthrough is coming from the close connections that are being demonstrated between the health of people and the health of ecosystems. People’s health depends as much on strictly health issues as on social aspects, such as, inequality, and ecological aspects, such as, biodiversity.
Reconnecting with nature and adapting our projects to natural rhythms and dynamics in the provision of goods and services, and in the regeneration of degraded areas, is not optional if we are concerned about our well-being and avoiding the risks of collapse that we are generating with our way of life. Shifting the focus and understanding that our health and survival depend on the state of ecosystems requires the coordination of our actions with a multidisciplinary approach.
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Eva Caballero kazetariak hizlariarekin elkarrizketa izango du hitzaldia amaitutakoan / La periodista Eva Caballero mantendrá un diálogo con el ponente una vez finalizada la conferencia
“El cambio socioeconómico sobrevendrá cuando comprendamos que solo hay una salud“
- Fernando Javier Valladares Ros | Profesor de investigación del CSIC y profesor asociado de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos / CSICeko ikerketa-irakaslea eta Rey Juan Carlos Unibertsitateko irakaslea

Fernando Javier Valladares Ros
Profesor de investigación del CSIC y profesor asociado de la Universidad Rey Juan Carlos
Fernando Valladares is a research professor at the CSIC and associate professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University. Fernando Valladares holds a PhD in biology, is a researcher at the Spanish National Research Council and associate professor at the Rey Juan Carlos University in Madrid. He is a highly cited scientist, with numerous research projects on the role of biodiversity and the impacts of climate change and human activity on ecosystems. In 2021 he received the Rey Jaume I Award, in the category of Environmental Protection, and the BBVA Foundation Environmental Communication Award. His concern for the environmental crisis has led him to actively disseminate information about the environmental crisis in various media and on his La Salud de la Humanidad channel on social networks. Both the details of his curriculum and all his informative production in multiple audiovisual formats and in press, radio and television can be found on his website:
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
Miramar Palace
Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián