Ciencia y Tecnología
Topological Photonics 2025 (TOPOPHOTO25)

Topological Photonics 2025 (TOPOPHOTO25)

30.Jun - 02. Jul, 2025 Cód. 015-25


This workshop continues the series of workshops “Topology meets quantum optics 2021 (online)” and “Topological Photonics 2022 (San Sebastian, Spain) and Topological Photonics 2024 (Madrid, Spain). The 2025 meeting will bring together scientists exploring topics such as topological photonic crystals, topological metamaterials, non-Hermitian topology, topological light-matter interfaces, directional amplifiers, topological protection of non-classical states of light, as well as topological effects in other classical non-classical systems.



  • Aitzol Garcia Etxarri (DIPC)
  • Paloma Arroyo Huidobro (Universidad Autonoma de Madrid and IFIMAC)
  • Alejandro González Tudela (Instituto de Física Fundamental-CSIC)
  • Alberto Amo Laboratoire PhLAM CNRS (Université de Lille)
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The TopoPhoto25 workshop is aimed at gathering a critical mass of people working in the vibrant area of Topological Photonics as well as topology in other wave and quantum phenomena.

Público objetivo al que está dirigida la actividad

  • Alumnado universitario
  • Profesionales


  • Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC)
  • Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) - (NextGenerationEU)
  • European Research Council (ERC)
  • Eusko Jaurlaritza


Aitzol Garcia Etxarri


Aitzol Garcia-Etxarri is an Ikerbasque Researcher at the Donostia International Physics Center, where he leads a research group of 12 people (6 men, 6 women). His research group primarily studies the interaction of light and matter at the nanometric scale, both at the level of basic science and by seeking applications in biological problems and quantum technologies. Currently, he leads, along with Rafael Yuste, the Basque NanoNeuro Network (B3N), an international consortium of 10 research groups (7 in the Basque Country, 3 in the USA) focused on the application of nanotechnology to the field of neuroscience. However, his contribution to society goes far beyond this. He is an active science communicator. He gives multiple public conferences each year, has been a regular collaborator on Euskadi Irratia since 2007, a contributor to the magazine JotDown, and a member of the interdisciplinary program “Mestizajes” of the DIPC. He is also the co-founder of the initiative “Pride for Science” in the Basque Country, a remarkable effort aimed at increasing the visibility of the LGBTIQ+ community in science in Euskadi.

Precios matrícula

RegistrationHasta 20-06-2025
350,00 EUR


Palacio Miramar

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Palacio Miramar

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián
