XXXV International Congress of the Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology (SEPC)

XXXV International Congress of the Spanish Society for Comparative Psychology (SEPC)

01.Oct - 03. Oct, 2025 Cod. 021-25


The 35th Annual Meeting of the Spanish Society of Comparative Psychology (SEPC) continues the tradition of being one of the leading European meetings for professionals conducting cutting-edge research on cognition in humans and animals. This event serves as a platform to present, discuss and explore the latest international advances, employing innovative techniques on topics including (but not limited to) classical and instrumental conditioning, memory, attention, motivation, spatial learning and the neuroscience underlying these processes. The meeting fosters the exchange of ideas and facilitates the development and strengthening of national and international collaborative research initiatives.

When it becomes available, submissions may be submitted at the link at the end of this paragraph, currently inactive (Submissions). For oral presentations, priority will be given to submissions reporting completed experimental work and not to studies in progress.

Registration is available on the right (Registration button).  The fee is 390 euros, and includes daily lunches for each day of the meeting and the three social events.

San Sebastian is a very touristic city, although the high season should end in September.  Nevertheless, you should book your room in advance. We recommend the Barceló Costa Vasca (, located 600 meters from the venue and very close to the center with easy access to bus lines. 



Submissions will be propossed through the FORMULAIRE


Scientific Committee

  • Antonio Álvarez (University of Barcelona)
  • Armando Machado (University of Aveiro)
  • Carmen Torres (University of Jaen)
  • Charlotte Bonardi (University of Nottingham)
  • Concepción Paredes-Olay (University of Jaen)
  • Dominic Dwyer (Cardiff University)
  • Eugenia Marín (University of the Basque Country)
  • Federico Sanabria (Arizona State University)
  • Felisa González (University of Granada)
  • Fernando Gamiz (University of Granada)
  • Fernando Rodriguez (University of the Basque Country)
  • Francisco J. López Gutiérrez (University of Malaga)
  • Gabriel Rodriguez (University of the Basque Country)
  • Gabriela Chotro (University of the Basque Country)
  • Geoffrey Hall (University of York)
  • Ignacio Loy (University of Oviedo)
  • Isabel de Brugada (University of Granada)
  • J. Alejandro Aristazabal (Konrad Lorenz University Foundation)
  • James Byron Nelson (University of the Basque Country)
  • José E. Callejas Aguilera (University of Jaen)
  • José Prados (University of Derby)
  • Juan Manuel Rosas (University of Jaen)
  • Karen Hollis (Mount Holyoke College)
  • L. Gonzalo de la Casa (University of Sevilla)
  • Maria Carmen Sanjuan (University of the Basque Country)
  • Marta Gil (University of Granada)
  • Mauricio Papini (Texas Christian University)
  • Miguel Angel Vadillo (Autonomous University of Madrid)
  • Mirari Gaztañaga (University of the Basque Country)
  • Patricia Gasalla (Cardiff University)
  • Pilar Flores (University of Almeria)
  • Ricardo Pellón (National University of Distance Education)
  • Robert Boakes (University of Sydney)
  • Robert Honey (Cardiff University)
  • Unai Liberal (University of the Basque Country)

Organizing Committee

University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU):

  • Chair: María del Carmen Sanjuán
  • Co-Chair: Naiara Arriola


  • Gabriel Rodríguez
  • Byron James
  • Gabriela Chotro
  • Mirari Gaztañaga
  • Unai Liberal
  • Fernando Rodríguez
  • Eugenia Marín
  • Borja Nevado
  • Estíbaliz Muñoz
  • Ixone Badiola
  • Nataliya Dianova
  • Paula Vicente
  • Yeray Mera
    • University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU):
      • Chair: María del Carmen Sanjuán
      • Co-Chair: Naiara Arriola
      • Members:
        • Gabriel Rodríguez
        • Byron James
        • Gabriela Chotro
        • Mirari Gaztañaga
        • Unai Liberal
        • Fernando Rodríguez
        • Eugenia Marín
        • Borja Nevado
        • Estíbaliz Muñoz
        • Ixone Badiola
        • Nataliya Dianova
        • Paula Vicente
        • Yeray Mera
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The first objective of the meeting is to disseminate current leading-edge advances in experimental research on cognition in humans and animals. The dissemination will take place through three invited plenary speakers and a symposium regarding opinions of the most important and upcoming issues related to comparative cognition, along with multiple oral and poster presentations submitted by members of the organization.

The second objective of the meeting is to foster collaborative relationships between different laboratories from across the world. This objective is facilitated by planned social activities through which persons with strong common interests, identified during the meeting presentations, can socialize and refine common research questions.

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Activity directed to

  • All public
  • University student
  • Students not from university
  • Teachers
  • Professionals

Organised by

  • Universidad del País Vasco/ Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

In collaboration with

  • Sociedad Española de Psicología Comparada (SEPC)
  • Sociedad Española de Psicología Experimental (SEPEX)


María del Carmen Sanjuán Artegain


I hold a PhD in Psychology from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), where I work as an Associate Professor in the Department of Basic Psychological Processes and their Development. My career combines teaching, research, and educational innovation, with over 20 years of experience in university education and the development of competitive scientific projects. I am a member of the consolidated research group Learning and Cognition. My research focuses on the study of learning, perception, and attention processes, with particular interest in how we learn to differentiate similar stimuli through mere exposure—especially after experiencing only one of them—and how context and prior experience influence the acquisition and extinction of associations. I teach courses on cognitive processes, integrating active methodologies to promote practical and autonomous student learning and the development of their scientific competencies. I also teach in the research master’s program at the Faculty of Psychology and have coordinated several educational innovation projects.

Naiara Arriola Garicano


Degree in Psychology and PhD from the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), I am an associate professor in the Department of Basic Psychological Processes and their Development where I teach subjects on cognitive processes in different Degrees. I belong to the consolidated research group “Learning and Cognition” which develops competitive scientific projects in the field of basic processes. My research work within this group focuses on transferring the knowledge acquired in the learning of basic processes to a more applied framework also collaborating with the Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorders Association


Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián



Miramar Palace

Pº de Miraconcha nº 48. Donostia / San Sebastián


Sustainable development goals

Agenda 2030 is the new international development agenda approved in September 2015 by the United Nations. This agenda aims to be an instrument to favour sustainable human development all over the planet, and its main pillars are the eradication of poverty, a reduction in equality and vulnerability and fostering sustainability. It is a unique opportunity to transform the world up to 2030 and guarantee human rights for all.

Sustainable development goals

4 - Quality education

Guarantee quality education that is inclusive and equitable and foster opportunities for lifelong learning for everyone. Key issues: free-of-charge, equitable and quality education, access to higher education and training on an equal basis, education for sustainable development, suitable education centres for persons with disabilities, and safe, non-violent and efficient learning environments.

More information
4. Quality education