
1st Edition Conference Series on Additive Manufacturing of Soft Materials
Join us in this five days conference with international speakers adressing the latest progresses on 3D Additive Manufacturing and its main impacts
The call for abstract is now open!
We are looking for contributions on 3D Additive Manufacturing from both industrial and academic researchers. You can apply through our official website HERE!
Hurry up! San Sebastián (Spain) is hosting the inaugural edition of the Conference Series on Additive Manufacturing of Soft Materials, between October 6th and October 10th, 2025.
This conference will assemble diverse communities of researchers from both academia and industry. It plans to cover a broad scope of angles from new printing technologies and the integration of digital design, to multiscale simulations, artificial intelligence and machine learning, multimodality manufacturing methods, material synthesis, multi-material printing, composite manufacturing, and performance engineering materials. AM invites a diverse cadre of researchers, from sustainability scientists and manufacturing engineers to entrepreneurs, as well as drawing on a wide range of materials expertise—from thermosets, vitrimers, and thermoplastics to hydrogels, organogels, and composites— for various AM technologies.
While (AM) is advancing rapidly, the next generation of technologies geared toward soft materials demand the integration of different modalities including rheology, photopolymerization, material science, sustainability and beyond. This will advance the field of AM technologies to fully exploit their potential in fields such as aerospace, transportation, medicine, membrane technology or energy generation and storage. As AM technologies are set to play a crucial role in the advancement of modern manufacturing, it is also increasingly pertinent to consider environmental impacts during the development of smart sustainable materials of the future.
The conference is five days long and will be held in beautiful San Sebastian, Spain, from the 6th to the 10th of October 2025. In addition to premier talks and oral contributions, the conference has designated time for poster sessions from individuals of all career stages, and a one-day Symposium for Young Researchers (6th of October 2025) to facilitate the collaboration between a new generation of scientists working in AM technologies.
Plenary speakers include Emily Davidson / Princeton University, Sandra Van Vlierberghe / Ghent University, David Mecerreyes / University of the Basque Country, Tao Xie / Zhejiang University, Timothy Long / Arizona University.
Scientific committee includes Haritz Sardon / University of the Basque Country, Timothy Long / Arizona University, Eva Blasco / Heidelberg University.
The list of keynote and invited speakers is already available on our website.
Places are limited! Submit your abstract as soon as possible
Focus on the aspects of additive manufacturing/3D printing which are operating a paradigm shift in production: reduce centralized inventory and production; producing parts with specific properties and personalized functionalities; minimizing waste generation and enabling multi-material combinations.
Build a discussion on the environmental impacts of new technologies during the development of smart sustainable materials of the future.
Assemble diverse communities of researchers from both academia and industry and create a wider dialogue.
Involve a diverse cadre of researchers in terms of fields (sustainability scientists, manufacturing engineers, entrepreneurs) and career stage.
Involve a young audience and speakers for the first day symposium, dedicated only to young researchers to facilitate the collaboration with a new generation of scientists working in AM technologies.
Provide a safe environment for sharing research and ideas through premier talks, poster sessions, social activities and common meals.
Jarduera nori zuzenduta
- Unibertsitateko ikaslea
- Irakasleak
- Profesionalak
- Major industrial companies

Haritz Sardon Muguruza
Haritz Sardon Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateko irakasle elkartua da 2022tik. Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatean egin zituen ikasketak, merituz Hedrick dotorearen taldean sartu aurretik, IBM --Almaden Research Center postdoct gisa 2012an, Han bi urte egin ondotik, Euskal Herrira itzuli zen, Espainiako Ministerioaren beka batekin, POLYMATera batu zen, taldeko buru izanik. Haritz Sardonek 135 argitalpen baino gehiagotan parte hartu du, horietatik 70 baino gehiagotan egile gisa. Bere lanaren eragina neurtzeko, 1.300 aipamen egin dira 2021ean. Hainbat sari jaso ditu, tartean, Espainiako Errege Elkarteak ematen duen ikertzaile gazteen bikaintasunaren Kimikako Saria (2021), American Chemical Societyren Makromolekulen alorreko gazte ikertzaileen saria (2021), edota Grupo Español de Polímerosek emandako Polimeroen ikertzaile gazteen bikaintasun saria (2020). Bere ikerketaren helburu nagusia da polimerizazio-prozesu jasangarriak erabiliz material polimeriko funtzional berriak prestatzea. Zehazki, haren ikerketek polimerizazio-prozesu berdeak erabiltzea eskatzen du, birziklatutako plastikotik eratorritako monomeroak kasu, energia berriztagarrien erreaktiboak edota arrisku gutxiagoko organokatalizatzaileen iturrien erabilera.
Urriak 6 Carlos Santamaría Zentroan / Urriak 7tik 10era Miramar Jauregian
Carlos Santamaría Zentroa, Elhuyar plaza 2, 20018 Donostia / Miramar Jauregia, Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia
Urriak 6 Carlos Santamaría Zentroan / Urriak 7tik 10era Miramar Jauregian
Carlos Santamaría Zentroa, Elhuyar plaza 2, 20018 Donostia / Miramar Jauregia, Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia
Sustainable development goals
2030 Agenda da nazioarteko garapenerako agenda berria. Nazio Batuen Erakundeak onartu zuen 2015eko irailean eta giza garapen jasangarriaren aldeko tresna eraginkorra izan nahi du planeta osoan. Haren zutabe nagusiak dira pobrezia errotik desagerraraztea, zaurgarritasunak eta desberdintasunak urritzea, eta jasangarritasuna bultzatzea. Aukera paregabea eskaintzen du mundua 2030. urtea baino lehen aldatzeko eta pertsona guztien giza eskubideak bermatzeko.

9 - Industria, berrikuntza eta azpiegitura
Azpiegitura erresilienteak eraikitzea, industrializazio inklusiboa eta jasangarria sustatzea, eta berrikuntza bultzatzea. Gai gakoak: azpiegitura fidagarriak, jasangarriak, erresilienteak eta kalitatezkoak, industrializazio inklusibo eta jasangarria, modernizazioa, teknologia eta prozesu industrial garbiak eta ingurumenaren aldetik arrazionalak, ikerketa zientifikoa eta gaitasun teknologikoaren hobekuntza, IKTetarako sarbide unibertsala.
Informazio gehiago
12 - Ekoizpen eta kontsumo arduratsuak
Kontsumo eta ekoizpen eredu jasangarriak bermatzea. Gai gakoak: baliabide naturalen kudeaketa jasangarria eta erabilera eraginkorra, atmosferara, uretara eta lurzorura askatutako partikula kimikoak murriztea, hondakinak gutxitzea, birziklatzea, berrerabiltzea eta murriztea, jardunbide jasangarriak, erosketa publiko jasangarria, bizimodu jasangarriak, erregai fosilei ematen zaizkien laguntza ez-eraginkorrak arrazionalizatzea.
Informazio gehiago
17 - Helburuak lortzeko aliantza
Garapen Jasangarrirako Munduko Aliantza ezartzeko eta biziberritzeko bitartekoak indartzea. Gai gakoak: baliabideen mobilizazioa, BPGren % 0,7 garapenerako laguntza ofizialerako, kanpo zorra, finantzak, teknologia eta berrikuntza arloko lankidetza, ekologikoki arrazionalak diren teknologiak, gaitasunak sortzea, alde anitzeko merkataritza sistema unibertsala, arau eta erakunde koherentzia, datuen eskuragarritasuna, zaintza, adierazleak eta kontu ematea.
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