
We love Transdisciplinarity Maite dugu - Shaping the future of universities
Los idiomas oficiales del curso son el inglés y el español. No se habilitará servicio de traducción.
Existe una concienciación generalizada de la necesidad de profundizar en el significado de la transdisciplinariedad y su capacidad para transformar nuestra manera de generar conocimiento: los acuciantes problemas mundiales y sociales exigen una convergencia esencial de disciplinas, que genere campos que sean comunes a todas ellas. Estos espacios de convergencia llevan a la creación y la transformación de nuevos marcos conceptuales y metodológicos que ninguna disciplina puede reclamar como suyos o como exclusivos.
En enero de 2016, Euskampus Fundazioa convocó a un grupo de investigadores vinculado a la Universidad del País Vasco para reflexionar conjuntamente sobre la colaboración transdisciplinar. El objetivo principal era reunir talentos en una reflexión compartida sobre los problemas y las ventajas que conlleva la colaboración transdisciplinar y concretarlos en oportunidades para el futuro. Como resultado, se publicó un documento con las principales conclusiones para fomentar la transdisciplinariedad, acercando la universidad a la sociedad con el fin de ofrecer respuestas locales a problemas globales.
En 2015, la red COST-INTREPID inició su camino con el objetivo global de entender mejor de qué manera se puede lograr una investigación interdisciplinar más eficiente y eficaz en Europa con el fin de mejorar nuestra capacidad de solucionar los problemas globales contemporáneos, que se caracterizan por el aumento de la complejidad y la incertidumbre. INTREPID reúne a científicos y profesionales de diversas disciplinas de los 27 países de la UE en un espacio común para reflexionar sobre el papel y las oportunidades de la interdisciplinariedad en los programas de investigación y los ciclos de financiación, abordando las diversas etapas y dimensiones del proceso de investigación e innovación. INTREPID recurre a los ejemplos y la experiencia relacionados con la investigación y el desarrollo urbanos sostenibles.
Ahora, Euskampus Fundazioa y COST-Intrepid se hacen eco de ambas iniciativas y aúnan fuerzas para celebrar un curso de verano, en el contexto de la Escuela de Verano de la Universidad del País Vasco, que aborda diferentes dimensiones (transdisciplinariedad, cocreación y coproducción de conocimientos, interconexión, actitud receptiva, inclusión de actores sociales, anclaje en el territorio, etc.) que darán forma al futuro de las universidades y los centros de investigación. Se utilizará un enfoque práctico mediante conferencias y talleres en los que cada participante podrá adquirir conocimientos de destacados profesionales y compartir sus propias experiencias. De este modo, las ideas y conclusiones generados durante el curso de dos días se basarán en la experiencia real de los participantes
Fomentar la transdisciplinariedad en la investigación académica como enfoque necesario para transformar las universidades a fin de que sean más responsables y comprometidas con la sostenibilidad dirigida a la sociedad.
Conocer y compartir experiencias de iniciativas y procesos de transformación en instituciones de educación superior y centros de investigación con un enfoque integral.
Reunir metodologías y recomendaciones de prácticas óptimas para la materialización de enfoques transdisciplinares y entornos de cocreación en tiempo real.
Identificar problemas estructurales y culturales en las organizaciones que catalicen el trabajo de maneras más transdiciplinares, comprometidas, abiertas y responsables.
Participants’ registration and delivery of documentation
- Idoia Fernández Fernández UPV/EHU - Vice Rector for Innovation, Social Outreach and Cultural Activities /Vicerrectora de Innovación, Compromiso Social y Acción Cultural
- Igor Campillo Euskampus Fundazioa - Director
- Olivia Bina Universidad de Lisboa - Professor / Intrepid Coordinator
“Opening Lecture-Theory U perspective and levers of change shaping the future of universities“
- Igor Campillo Euskampus - Director
“Keynote lecture 2: On being a Trans Scientist: no guide, no limits“
- Leire Escajedo San-Epifanio UPV/EHU - Professor
Coffee break
“Workshop 1- Personal and interpersonal level. Value creators“
- Maria García Alvarez Windesheim Honours College - Coordinator Value Creator
- Liesbeth Rijsdijk Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, The Netherlands
Lunch session animated by Dr. Doerte Weig introducing ‘Movement Research’
“Keynote 3. Double Diamond co-creation methodology for RTD projects: Putting a User to the Centre“
- Andrey Girenko DFKI, Germany - European Project Manager
“Workshop 2 - Contextual level– Practical demonstration of co-creation techniques. “
- Andrey Girenko European Project Manager. DFKI, Germany - Moderator.
- Maurice Rekrut DFKI, Germany. - Technical Lead.
“Keynote Lecture 4 “
- Olivia Bina ICS-University of Lisboa - Professor
“Workshop 3 - Contextual level- Physical and virtual spaces“
- Olivia Bina ICS-University of Lisboa - Professor
- Prue Chiles Newcastle University
Coffee break
“Keynote lecture 5.“
- Pierre Domingues Dos Santos Université of Bordeaux - Director Dep. Cardiología
“Keynote lecture and introduction to workshop 4“
- Adela Balderas
Lunch time
“Workshop 4 on the institutional level “
- Adela Balderas
“Wrap-up, conclusions and take-home messages“
- Carlo Sessa

Elena Urdaneta
Director of Cooperative Innovation at Euskampus. Gained her PhD in Pharmacy at the Universidad de Navarra in 1995. Elena has made a number of postdoctoral visits to centres abroad including the UCLA Faculty of Medicine (Los Angeles, California) and the Physiology Department of the University of California in Irvine (UCI). She currently combines her position as Contracted Lecturer as Doctor in Physiology at the Universidad Pública de Navarra with her role as Research Director at BCC, which both promotes research projects in the field of the promotion of nutrititon and e-health. She is the principal researcher on numerous funded research projects on physiology, gerontology and nutrition and is the author or co-author of over thirty scientific research articles in international periodicals. In 2004 she received the "Beca Ortiz de Landázuri" granted by the Health Department of the Government of Navarre.

Igor Campillo
Euskampus Fundazioa, Director
Euskampus Fundazioko zuzendaria da. Euskampus 2011n sortu zuten Euskal Herriko Unibertsitateak (EHU), Tecnalia Korporazioak eta Donostiako Fisikako Nazioarteko Zentroak (DIPC). EHUko Zientzia Fakultateko irakasle laguntzaile, Gamesa Energyko nazioarteko proiektuen zuzendari, LABEIN-Tecnaliako ikertzaile eta proiektu zuzendari, Nanozientziako Ikerketa Kooperatiboko Zentroko proiektu eta hedapen zuzendari, SPRI Enpresa Garapenerako Euskal Agentziako nanoBasque estrategiaren zuzendari eta DeustoTecheko zuzendari izan da. Fisikan doktorea da UPV/EHUn, eta Kazetaritzan eta Zientziaren Komunikazioan masterra egin du Espainiako Unibertsitate Irekian. Ezagutzaren webean indexatutako nazioarteko 70 argitalpen zientifiko baino gehiagoren egilea da, eta nazioarteko 3 patenteren egilea. Unibertsitateko Enpresa Lankidetzarako "Boundary Spanners" -eko munduko liderretako bat bezala saritua izan da Unibertsitate Industriaren Berrikuntza Sareagatik.

Adela Balderas
Dr. Adela Balderas is Research Fellow at the Oxford Institute of Population Ageing, University of Oxford. Professor at CámaraBilbao University Business School and at the Bachelor Degree in Gastronomy and Culinary Arts, Basque Culinary Center-University of Mondragon, Dr. Balderas is PhD in Business Administration. Master in Marketing, Executive MBA and Master in Career Coaching, she is also specialized in professional coaching with studies at the University of New York, Stanford and Harvard University. Consultant in marketing and business skills, Dr. Balderas has a wealth of teaching experience at the undergraduate and graduate levels. Lecturer at ESIC Business and Marketing School, she is currently Director of a Master at Basque Culinary Center, mentor in Imagine at Silicon Valley and consultant. Dr. Balderas is visiting professor and Lecturer at the University of Salamanca (Spain), College of Economics of the University of Xiamen (China), L University of Regensburg (Germany) .
Olivia Bina
interdisciplinary ‘policy-engaged’ researcher, exploring the (un)sustainability of our socio-economic and socio-technical models and their effect on life. I work through the lens of environmental governance, sustainable futures and transition/transformation theories. I search for worldviews and pathways that can balance our dependence on ‘ever smarter’ growth and technology with a recovery of the unlimited potential of prosperous human-nature connectedness. The general idea is to assist in efforts towards progress, beyond traditional notions of economic growth, towards a better future for all life on our Planet. I am Principal Researcher at the Instituto de de Ciências Sociais Universidade de Lisboa (ICS - Institute of Social Sciences University of Lisbon), and Adjunct Assistant Professor at the Department of Geography and Resource Management, of the Chinese University of Hong Kong.

Prue Chiles
Prue is an Architect and Professor of Architectural Design Research in the School of Architecture, Planning and Landscape(APL) at Newcastle University; after many years at the University of Sheffield. She combines research with practice and teaching and uses the design process in all her projects to work with people and communities creatively; whether in research council funded research, the design and construction of buildings or neighbourhood design. Prue set up and directed the Bureau-Design+Research set up in 2002 within the School of Architecture at the University of Sheffield to pursue ‘research by design’, to raise the profile of design within the building process. BDR carried out over 60 commissioned research, research consultancy and consultancy projects with both local and national and international bodies and has built up a reputation for innovation, expertise and publications in the area of school design, community visioning and regeneration and sustainable futures.

Pierre Domingues Dos Santos
Dr Dos Santos is Cardiologist, Professor of Physiology and Head of the Department of cardiology, specialized in severe heart failure at Bordeaux University Hospital. He is a former research fellow of the NMR Laboratory of Joanne Ingwall, University of Harvard, Boston. He was Vice President of Univ. Bordeaux in charge of Research from 2012 to 2018 and is now in charge of Interdisciplinarity. He is also Director of the Platform for Technological and Biomedical Innovation of Bordeaux Univ. and Univ.Hospital of Bordeaux. He performs his research on Bioenergetic control of arrhythmias & heart function at Inserm Unit 1045 “Cardio-Thoracic Research Centre of Bordeaux” and at the Univ.-Hospital Institute Liryc. He has authored more 120 articles in peer-reviewed journals including New England Journal of Medecine, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, Circulation Research. His major topics of interest are Heart failure; Interventional cardiology; Energy met
Leire Escajedo Zuzenbideko irakasle titularra da UPV/EHUn, eta Argitalpen Zerbitzuko zuzendaria. Zuzenbidean lizentziaduna eta doktorea (2004), eta Biologia Zientzietan doktorea (2015), Zuzenbideko eta Giza Genomako Unibertsitate arteko Katedran eta EHUko Zuzenbide Konstituzionaleko Sailean trebatu zen, eta 2010etik Biozientzietako Zuzenbidea eta Etika arloa koordinatzen du Zientzia eta Teknologia Fakultatean. Urban Elika ikerketa taldearen ikertzaile nagusia da, eta Multilevel Gobernance taldeko kidea ere. Beste batzuen artean, aurrerapen zientifiko eta teknologikoen alderdi etiko eta legalei buruzko hainbat artikulu argitaratu ditu euskaraz. Nabarmentzekoak dira, batetik, Giza Klonazioari buruzko lan bat, CAF Elhuyar saria eskuratu zuena, eta, bestetik, Bioteknologiaren aurrerapenei buruzko ikerkuntza-monografia bat (ingelesez, gaztelaniaz eta euskaraz argitaratuta), Bioetikaren Nazioarteko Elkarteak (SIBI) saritu zuena.

Maria García Alvarez
Maria Garcia- Alvarez is a lecturer in History of Globalization, Rhetoric and Global Challenges at the Windesheim Honours College (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, the Netherlands). She is co-developer and coordinator of the Value Creators, an innovative educational concept where students work as change agents addressing complexity and SDGs. She holds a Master's degree in Communication Sciences from the Universidad Complutense of Madrid (Spain). She is a member of the Board of Directors of the social innovation think-tank Asturias Compromiso XXI in Spain. Her research focuses on character qualities as meta-competences that help dealing with complex issues and wicked problems. She is the contact person for UN-Habitat network at the university.

Andrey Girenko
Senior R&D Administrator at DFKI. Since 2001, he has been a EU project manager both at the European Research and Project Office GmbH (until 2008) and at DFKI (ongoing). He has acquired, managed and evaluated more than 50 European projects in different programmes and delivered more than 25 training workshops on research methodologies, project and innovation management around the world. Dr. Girenko was a manager of FP5 Uptake Measure Agentcities.NET, managed FP6 i2Home IST project in the field of smart home environments for AAL, and led the activities on active engagement with older users in the framework of FP7 SIforAGE project. Besides, he was involved in such FP7 ICT projects as Metalogue and ROCKIT, and running H2020 RICAIP. The expertise in innovation management was obtained through the series of innovation projects such as EIT PRAF and ELEMENT, FP6 K4CARE (EHR for home care, innovation manager), eContentplus MathBridge (business model developer).

Maurice Rekrut
Maurice is a software engineer at DFKI Competence Center Ambient Assisted Living – CCAAL – is a cross-project and cross-department virtual organization within the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence coordinating and conducting research and development in the area of Ambient Assisted Living – AAL. It joins forces from the departments Intelligent User Interfaces (IUI), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Agents and Simulated Reality (ASR), Institute for Information Systems (IWI), Augmented Vision (AV), Knowledge Management (KM) and Robotics Innovation Center (RIC) and thus offers competences in a wide range of areas within AAL. Following a holistic approach to AAL, the driving force for research and development are primarily users of the technology, society and business partners. He is expert in User centered design and co-creation methodologies.

Liesbeth Rijsdijk Windesheim
Dr. Liesbeth Rijsdijk is the Director of External Relations at the Windesheim Honours College (Windesheim University of Applied Sciences, Zwolle, the Netherlands). She is also a lecture in research courses and works as a researcher at Windesheim's Professorship of Social Innovation. In the last years, her research and expertise is focus in Wicked Challenges, Leadership Competences and Governance, publishing several papers in these topics and developing the “wickedmeter”, a tool to measure dimensions of wicked problems. Liesbeth holds a PhD in Psychology and Neuroscience by the University of Maastrich. Previous work experience includes working for UNESCO/UNAIDS in the Pacific and Central Asia. She is a Board Member of the African Woman Foundation.

Carlo Sessa
Carlo SESSA, former President, is now Research Director at the Institute of Studies for the Integration of Systems of Rome (ISINNOVA). Before joining the institute in 1983, he has conducted research at NYU, where he worked with Nobel Prize winner Wassily Leontieff. He was the Coordinator of several EU research projects, in the 5th, 6th and 7th Framework Programmes, mostly in the fields of transport, energy, environment and urban governance issues. In this context, he was leading several participatory projects, involving panels of experts and citizens and aiming to raise the citizens awareness of science and technology prospects in the field of sustainable urban development (EU project RAISE), sustainable urban transport (EU project MOVE TOGETHER) and sustainable water management (EU project AWARE). Amongst several projects dealing with foresight issues, Carlo was involved as leading researcher in some EU funded Social Sciences and Humanities research projects:
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Miramar Jauregia
Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia