International Research Seminar in Urbanization Processes and Natural Morphologies

International Research Seminar in Urbanization Processes and Natural Morphologies

Ira. 07 - 08. Ira, 2017 Kod. A5-17


We are pleased to invite you to participate in the 1st International Research Seminar in Urbanization Processes and Natural Morphologies, which will take place in September 7th-8th, 2017.

The aim of this seminar is to promote the shared reflection about current researches in the urban area, landscape architecture and other spatial disciplines, as well as to stimulate an exchange between researchers in urban and territorial processes and transformations in different countries.

The seminar will feature four main lectures, held by the International Scientific Committee members, in line with the research approach of Prof. Dr. Maider Uriarte Idiazabal (1981-2016). On the other hand, there will be research paper presentations and round tables composed by keynote lecturers. We invite researchers who are developing master courses, doctoral or post-doctoral programs to participate and discuss their investigations and to share different analysis perspectives and case studies, in order to create a shared thinking space around city and territory.


-         Urban Fringe Landscapes

-         Urbanism and Landscape in mountainous areas

-         Methodologies and tools for Regional Planning

This event is organized by the Higher Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastian (ETSASS); the Department of Architecture of EHU/UPV; the Professorship of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space (LAREG) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM); and the Summer Courses Foundation of the UPV/EHU.


The main four lecturers will be:

- Senior Lecturer Dr. Ben Campkin (UCL London) 

- Professor Dr. Martin Prominski (Leibniz-Universität Hannover)

- Professor Dr. Sören Schöbel (TUM LAREG)

- Senior Lecturer Dr. Vera Vicenzotti (SLU Alnarp Sweden)

Important dates:

Deadline for the reception of abstracts: March 3rd

New abstract submission deadline, March 13th

Deadline for the reception of full papers: April 24th.

Abstract format:

The submitted abstract must contain: title, author name, institution, director/co-director name, country, research program, e-mail address, keywords (5 max.), 250 words of research summary and main references (between 5 and 15).

Abstracts of papers must be received on or before 3rdMarch 2017. Notification of whether abstracts have been accepted will be provided by 24th March 2017.

Full paper format:

The researchers whose abstracts have been accepted will be required to send the complete research paper before 24th April 2017 for evaluation by the International Scientific Committee. The available format must be strictly followed (see template). Selected papers may be published after the conference.

Papers should have a minimum of 3.000 words of extension and should not exceed 5.000 words, and should have a maximum of 15 pages including graphics.


Regular fee: 70 €.




Abstracts and papers must be sent to:

Irakurri gehiago


  • Higher Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastian (ETSASS)
  • Department of Architecture of the UPV/EHU
  • Professorship of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space (LAREG) at the Technical University of Munich (TUM)
  • Vicerrectorado de Campus de Gipuzkoa de la UPV/EHU


Madalen Gonzalez Bereziartua

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura (UPV/EHU)

Madalen Gonzalez Bereziartua (Donostia-San Sebastian, 1981) studied Architecture at the Barcelona School of Architecture (ETSAB-UPC, 1999-2007), as well as the Research Master in Urban Planning (ETSAB-UPC, 2008-2010), and she recently got her PhD degree in architecture (ETSAB-UPC, 2017). She has developed her professional work in the field of Urban Planning, Architecture and Landscape in different offices in Barcelona, Rotterdam and San Sebastian, and since 2014 she teaches Urban Planning at the Higher Technical School of Architecture of San Sebastian (EHU-UPV).

Sören Schöbel

Technical University Munich, Architecture

Sören Schöbel (b. 1967), after studying Landscape Architecture at the Technical University in Berlin, he worked freelance since 1995 and as a scientific assistant at the TU Berlin from 1998 to 2003, when he did his doctorate. Since 2005, he holds the professorship of Landscape Architecture and Regional Open Space at the Munich University of Technology. His research focuses on the possibilities of and design methods for urban landscape architecture on a regional scale.

Matrikula prezioak

REGISTRATION2017-09-06 arte
70,00 EUR


Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia



Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia


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