Healthier hydration for wellbeing
This course has been designed to provide an integral perspective of hydtation on health and disease.Thus, a focus is centered in the physiological influences of adequate water intake in different stages of life as well as the role in health maintenance and disease prevention has ben scheduled. Aanother focus is the impact of a balanced hydtration on appetite and cognitive functios, salud osea as well as the interactions with phisical activity and some diseases, Finally a session will be orientated to interpret the participation of water intake on dietary habits and nhydration tby hydrating textures.
To provide the most updated findings on the role of adequate hydration, from a physiological perspective, for the correct function of human body, and specific physiological situations, such as childhood and growth.
To offer a wide view on the effects of adequate hydration for improving wellbeing in general and specific situations, such as exercise performance, certain diseases.
To provide practical tools for identifying risk situations of incorrect hydration, and to help searching alternative ways of hydrating from the act of "drinking" on individuals with determined conditions or ages.
“WATER IN HEALTH AND DISEASE: Physiology of Hydration“
- Ángel Gil University of Granada - Professor of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
“WATER IN HEALTH AND DISEASE: Water as a Nutrient“
- Jose Alfredo Martinez Hernández University of Navarra - Professor
“WATER IN HEALTH AND DISEASE: Hydration and sparkling mineral water“
- Mª Pilar Vaquero Rodrigo Institute of Food Science, Technology and Nutrition. CSIC - Scientific Researcher
“ WATER IN HEALTH AND DISEASE: Impact of hydration on the human brain, heart and muscles. “
- José González-Alonso Brunel University of London - Professor of exercise and cardiovascular physiology
- Eva Almirón Roig University of Navarra
“MORE THAN HYDRATING. BEVERAGES AND THEIR ROLE ON WELLBEING: Alkaline water, Functional Beverages and Bone Health“
- Susan A. Lanham University of Surrey - Professor
“MORE THAN HYDRATING. BEVERAGES AND THEIR ROLE ON WELLBEING: Water intake and hydration indices in healthy adults; the European Hydration Research Study (EHRS)“
- Maria Kapsokefalou Agricultural University of Athens - Professor
“MORE THAN HYDRATING. BEVERAGES AND THEIR ROLE ON WELLBEING: Nutrición e Hidratación en la Actividad Fisica“
- Fermín Milagro Yoldi University of Navarra - Professor of Nutrition and Bromatology
“HYDRATION IN NUTRITION: Hydration & Unhealthy Weight“
- Paul Gately University of Leeds - Professor
“HYDRATION IN NUTRITION: How well hydrated are you?“
- Luis Serra Majem University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria - Professor of Preventive Medicine and Public Health
“HYDRATION IN NUTRITION: Hydration in Europe“
- Rafael Urrialde de Andrés
“SHOWCOOKING AT BCC (Chefs: Estefanía Simon-Sasyk and Erich Eichstetter): Hydrating Textures, When drinking is not so easy“
- Rodrigo San Cristóbal Blanco Coordinator
- Usune Etxeberria Aranburu Coordinator
Jose Alfredo Martinez Hernández
Universidad de Navarra, Catedrático
Santiago Navas-Carretero se licenció en Farmacia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 2002, y se doctoró en Nutrición en 2007 por esta misma Universidad, recibiendo además la mención “Doctor Europeus”. Se incorporó a la Universidad de Navarra en Octubre de 2008 y desde entonces lleva realizando sus labores de investigación en dicho Centro. Es director de la línea de nutrición de precisión del Centro de Investigación en Nutrición de la Universidad de Navarra desde Septiembre de 2017. Es Investigador Principal de 2 contratos de investigación (Nutriprecisión y Medkids), 2 proyectos de Gobierno de Navarra (ALINFA y CORALS-centros educativos), además de haber participado en numerosos proyectos de nivel regional, nacional y europeo. Cabe destacar los proyectos europeos Food4Me, PREVIEW y SWEET. Además, es autor o coautor de 110 articulos científicos y capítulos de libros.
Eva Almirón Roig
Usune Etxeberria Aranburu
Basque Culinary Center Fundazioa
Ikertzailea eta BCC Innovation-eko Osasuna eta Gastronomia ikerketa-arloko arduraduna. Zentroan lanean daramatzan urteetan, "Gastronomia pertsonalizatuarekin" eta "gastronomia osasungarriarekin" lotutako bi ikerketa-ildo hasi ditu Usunek. Cum Laude doktorea, Nafarroako Unibertsitateko Elikadura eta Fisiologia Zientzien Departamentuan. Gaixotasun metabolikoetan (batez ere gizentasuna) ematen diren aldaketa metabolomikoen ikerkuntzan eta hesteetako mikrobiotaren azterketan espezializatua. Elikadura, Nutrizioa eta Metabolismoa Europako Masterra egin du, Nafarroako Unibertsitateko Nutrizioaren Ikerketa Zentroan ikertzaile gisa lan egin zuen eta inpaktu handiko aldizkarietan argitaratutako hogei artikulu zientifiko ditu. Gainera, Enpresa Zuzendaritzako Unibertsitate Masterra egin zuen (Deustuko Unibertsitatea) eta Idomics Biotech SL startup-aren bazkide sortzailea izan da. Usune Elikagaien Zientzia eta Teknologian lizentziaduna da, eta Giza Nutrizioan eta Dietetikan diplomaduna Euskal
Paul Gately
Ángel Gil
Doctor en Biología. Catedrático de Bioquímica y Biología Molecular de la Universidad de Granada y Director del Grupo de Investigación de Excelencia CTS-461 "Bioquímica nutricional: implicaciones terapéuticas". Presidente de la Fundación Iberoamericana de Nutrición (FINUT). ExPresidente de la Sociedad Española de Nutrición (2011-2014). Autor de 627 publicaciones de las cuales 24 libros, 158 Capítulos de libros y 445 artículos científicos indexados y de 18 patentes todas ellas en explotación. Director del Tratado de Nutrición 5 vol.
José González-Alonso
José González-Alonso is a Professor of Exercise and Cardiovascular Physiology and Director of the Brunel University London’s Centre for Human Performance, Exercise and Rehabilitation (CSMHP) since 2006. Prior to that, he worked as a senior researcher and post-doctoral fellow at the Copenhagen Muscle Research Centre and the University of Copenhagen for 11½ years. He completed his MA and PhD in Exercise Physiology at the University of Texas at Austin (USA) an his undergraduate studies in Physical Education at the University of Barcelona (Spain). He has published more than 100 original research articles, perspectives and reviews (Google h-index 51). His main area of expertise is human cardiovascular control and skeletal muscle blood flow regulation, particularly in conditions of exercise and environmental stress. His studies have advanced our knowledge and understanding of the impact of hydration and environmental heat stress on physiological function and exercise performance.
Maria Kapsokefalou
Susan A. Lanham
Fermín Milagro Yoldi
Fermín Milagro is a researcher at the Nutrition Research Center of the University of Navarra (where he leads the Biomarkers and Bioactive Compounds research line), and is part of the CIBERobn (Carlos III Health Institute). In recent years he has worked in different lines of research in relation to Nutrigenomics, Nutrigenetics, Epigenetics, Metabolomics and Metagenomics of Obesity and Insulin Resistance, with special emphasis on food-gene interaction, in the identification of new biomarkers through omics technologies (genetics, epigenetics, miRNAs, microbiota, metabolomics) and in the search for bioactive compounds with application in these pathologies. He carries out his research both in intervention studies in humans and in animal models and cell cultures. The main goal is the development of precision nutrition in the field of obesity and its comorbidities. He is the author of more than 200 scientific articles (H-factor = 40) and has participated in 26 research projects
Rafael Urrialde de Andrés
Mª Pilar Vaquero Rodrigo
CSIC, Investigadora científica
Rodrigo San Cristóbal Blanco
IMDEA Food Institute, Postdoctoral researcher Juan de la Cierva
Luis Serra Majem
Matrikula prezioak
MATRIKULA | 2018-03-01 arte | 2018-05-31 arte | 2018-08-28 arte |
0 EUR | - | - | |
- | 34,00 EUR | 40,00 EUR | |
- | 20,00 EUR | - | |
- | 20,00 EUR | 20,00 EUR | |
- | - | 8,50 EUR | |
- | - | 0 EUR |
Miramar Jauregia
Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia
Miramar Jauregia
Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia