Zientzia eta Teknologia
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Sweeteners: health, obesity, safety and sustainability

Sweeteners: health, obesity, safety and sustainability

Eka. 27 - 29. Eka, 2022 Kod. O08-22


Sweeteners and their use in food processing and for health purposes is a subject generating nowadays big controversia, mainly because the real effects of the use of Sweeteners and Swetness enhancers on health are still unknown. In addition, the regulatory framework and consumers's perceptions of sweeteners and the use of these food ingredients is also under development. Given these premises, the EU funded the SWEET consortium, with the main aim of identifying and addressing the barriers and facilitators to the use of sweeteners and sweetness enhancers (S&SEs), as well as to examining the risks and benefits of using S&SEs to replace sugar in the diet in the contexts of health, obesity, safety and sustainability.

This Summer Course will serve as a channel for communicating to scientists, health professionals and general public the new findings on the use, acceptance and barriers within S&SEs use.

Irakurri gehiago


To offer the last updates on sweeteners research on health and weight management. How their use may help to maintain good health indicators or weight control.

To inform patients and caregivers on how sweeteners may affect appetite, microbiota and other metabolic factors.

To explain how food technology is integrating the use of S&SEs in foods, and the origin of this S&SEs, either plant-based or artificial.

To widen the knowledge of consumers' perceptions, barriers and facilitators for the use of S&SEs, as well as to give light to regulatory aspects and dissemination strategies.

Irakurri gehiago

Jarduera nori zuzenduta

  • Unibertsitateko ikaslea
  • Unibertsitarioak ez diren ikasleak
  • Irakasleak
  • Profesionalak
  • Publiko orokorra


  • EU Horizon2020 research framework. SWEET Consortium
  • Osakidetza
  • Eusko Jaurlaritzako Osasun Saila



09:00 - 09:15


09:15 - 09:25

Inaugurazio instituzionala. Parte hartzeko ordena:

  • jason Halford | EASO - President
  • Anne Raben - | University of Copenhagen - Professor
  • Jose Alfredo Martinez Hernández | Universidad de Navarra - Professor
09:25 - 10:10

“Evidence of the role of sweeteners on appetite and metabolism emerging from systematic reviews“

  • Santiago Navas Carretero | University of Navarra - Researcher
10:10 - 10:55

“The role of non-caloric sweeteners in body weight regulation and glycemic control - Facts, myths and current research“

  • Anne Raben - | University of Copenhagen - Professor
10:55 - 11:40

“Sweet Taste: Hedonic Impact and Control Over Food Intake“

  • Graham Finlayson | University of Leeds - Professor
11:40 - 12:10

Coffee Break

12:10 - 12:55

“Sweeteners, microbiota and metabolic health“

  • Ellen Blaak | University of Maastricht - Professor
12:55 - 13:40

“Sweet Tooth“

  • Kees de Graaf | Wagenningen University - Professor
13:50 - 14:00



09:00 - 09:45

“Sucrose functionality in fine bakery ware and impact of sucrose substitution on nutrition and sensory profiles “

  • Alain Le-bail | Oniris - Professor (Zoom bidez parte hartuko du)
10:00 - 11:00

“Production, efficacy and safety of novel plant based sweeteners and blends“

  • Corey Scott | Cargill Ltd - Scientist
11:00 - 11:30

Coffee Break

11:30 - 12:00

“Consumption habits and acute effects of sweet beverage intake on appetite, metabolism and gastro-intestinal symptoms. Overview“

  • Eva Almirón Roig | University of Navarra - Professor
12:00 - 12:30

“Consumption habits and acute effects of sweet beverage intake on appetite, metabolism and gastro-intestinal symptoms. Results of the Beverages Study“

  • Jose Alfredo Martinez Hernández | University of Navarra - Professor
12:30 - 13:15

“Sweeteners Research: Using LinkedIn for impact in science“

  • Sheree Bryant | European Association for the Study of Obesity (EASO) - Scientist
13:15 - 13:45



09:00 - 09:45

“The EU regulatory framework for introduction of new S&SEs and impact on research and innovation“

  • Monique Raats | University of Surrey - Professor
09:45 - 10:30

“Population based evidence about Sweeteners intake“

  • Edith Feskens Johanna | Wagenningen University - Professor
10:30 - 11:15

“There is much to learn about the sustainability of sweeteners “

  • James Suckling | University of surrey - Professor
11:15 - 11:45

Coffee Break

11:45 - 12:30

“The role of mass and social media in promoting risks and benefits of Sweeteners & Sweetness Enhancers“

  • Monique Raats | Newcastle University - Scientist
12:30 - 13:00


  • Anne Raben - | University of Liverpool - Professor


Jose Alfredo Martinez Hernández

Universidad de Navarra, Catedrático

Santiago Navas Carretero

Universidad de Navarra, Investigador

Santiago Navas-Carretero se licenció en Farmacia por la Universidad Complutense de Madrid en 2002, y se doctoró en Nutrición en 2007 por esta misma Universidad, recibiendo además la mención “Doctor Europeus”. Se incorporó a la Universidad de Navarra en Octubre de 2008 y desde entonces lleva realizando sus labores de investigación en dicho Centro. Es investigador en el Centro de Investigación en Nutrición de la Universidad de Navarra. Es Investigador Principal de 2 contratos de investigación (Nutriprecisión y Medkids), 2 proyectos de Gobierno de Navarra (ALINFA y CORALS-centros educativos), además de haber participado en numerosos proyectos de nivel regional, nacional y europeo. Cabe destacar los proyectos europeos Food4Me, PREVIEW y SWEET. Además, es autor o coautor de 120 articulos científicos y capítulos de libros.


Eva Almirón Roig

Ellen Blaak

Sheree Bryant

Sheree Bryant es directora de comunicaciones de la Asociación Europea para el Estudio de la Obesidad y proporciona apoyo de comunicación y difusión al proyecto SWEET.

Kees de Graaf

Edith Feskens Johanna

Wageningen University

Graham Finlayson

University of Leeds

Alain Le-bail

Monique Raats

University of Surrey, Professor

Professor Monique Raats is Director of the University of Surrey’s Food, Consumer Behaviour and Health (FCBH) Research Centre. FCBH research domains include: food-related behaviour and policy interventions (such as labelling, health claims) to achieve sustainable and healthy lifestyles; social, policy and ethical issues relevant to the grand societal challenges such as sustainability and obesity; study of food systems from the perspective of significant actors and stakeholders within the system; methodologically advancing the field of food consumer science through exploring novel sources of data and methods of data linking. She previously worked at the Institute of Food Research, Health Education Authority and University of Oxford. Her expertise is in the area of public health and behavioural nutrition research, gained on a variety of projects. Her research is wide ranging both in terms of topics covered (e.g. food choice, policy development, food safety) and methodologies used (e.g. qualitative, quantitative, stakeholder consultation). To date she has published over 140 refereed papers, other publications including 20 book chapters and edited two books ("The Psychology of Food Choice" and "Food for the Ag(e)ing Population").

Anne Raben -

University of Copenhagen

Corey Scott

James Suckling

University of Surrey

Dr James Suckling is a Research Fellow at the Centre for Environment and Sustainability, within the University of Surrey, UK. He trained as a physicist, before working for 6 years in R&D at Sharp. He has worked in sustainability for 6 years and researched diverse topics including circular economy models for mobile phones, up-scaling of niche innovations in the water-energy-food nexus, rearing insects for food and feed, and upscaling of smart local energy systems. All his research in CES has had a multi-disciplinary focus, including technical and social aspects throughout. He has expertise in life cycle assessment. His latest role is on the EU Horizon 2020 funded SWEET Project, researching the sustainability of replacing sugar with sweeteners and sweetness enhancers in food and drink.

Matrikula prezioak

Aurrez aurre2022-06-27 arte
135,00 EUR
110,00 EUR
77,00 EUR
27,50 EUR
Online zuzenean2022-06-27 arte
110,00 EUR
110,00 EUR
71,00 EUR
77,00 EUR
27,50 EUR


Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia



Miramar Jauregia

Mirakontxa pasealekua 48, 20007 Donostia


Sustainable development goals

2030 Agenda da nazioarteko garapenerako agenda berria. Nazio Batuen Erakundeak onartu zuen 2015eko irailean eta giza garapen jasangarriaren aldeko tresna eraginkorra izan nahi du planeta osoan. Haren zutabe nagusiak dira pobrezia errotik desagerraraztea, zaurgarritasunak eta desberdintasunak urritzea, eta jasangarritasuna bultzatzea. Aukera paregabea eskaintzen du mundua 2030. urtea baino lehen aldatzeko eta pertsona guztien giza eskubideak bermatzeko.

Garapen jasangarrirako helburuak

3 - Osasuna eta ongizatea

Bizitza osasuntsua bermatzea eta pertsona guztien ongizatea sustatzea, adin guztietan. Gai gakoak: osasun estaldura unibertsala, sexu eta ugalketa osasuna, trafikoagatik, poluzioagatik eta produktu kimikoengatik istripua izan duten pertsona kopurua txikitzea, amen eta jaioberrien heriotza tasa murriztea, HIESa bezalako epidemien amaiera, hepatitisari eta urak transmititutako gaixotasunei aurre egitea, drogen eta alkoholaren prebentzioa, tabakoaren kontrola.

Informazio gehiago
3 - Osasuna eta ongizatea

12 - Ekoizpen eta kontsumo arduratsuak

Kontsumo eta ekoizpen eredu jasangarriak bermatzea. Gai gakoak: baliabide naturalen kudeaketa jasangarria eta erabilera eraginkorra, atmosferara, uretara eta lurzorura askatutako partikula kimikoak murriztea, hondakinak gutxitzea, birziklatzea, berrerabiltzea eta murriztea, jardunbide jasangarriak, erosketa publiko jasangarria, bizimodu jasangarriak, erregai fosilei ematen zaizkien laguntza ez-eraginkorrak arrazionalizatzea.

Informazio gehiago
12 - Ekoizpen eta kontsumo arduratsuak

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