Zientzia eta Teknologia
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VITALISE 2023 Summer School on Living Labs

VITALISE 2023 Summer School on Living Labs

Eka. 08 - 09. Eka, 2023 Kod. O01-23


The VITALISE 2023 Summer School on Living Labs, aims to provide researchers worldwide effective training both on how to implement the Living Lab methodology in their studies, as well as involve living labs Research Infrastructures and their services in their Health and Wellbeing research studies. Researchers in the Health and Wellbeing domain will have the opportunity to learn more about the open innovation and Living Lab tools, methods and services to improve their research and follow new scientific paths thanks to the support of the VITALISE high-experienced trainers on the Living Lab methodology. Participants will be also invited to access the VITALISE ICT tools and infrastructure within the project open calls to collaborate on scientific research with Living Labs recognized and labelled by the European Network of Living Labs.

The VITALISE 2023 Summer School on Living Labs, is provided by the VITALISE European Commission funded project, which interlinks living labs coming from the three major living lab networks in Europe:

  • ENoLL, with 130 living lab members around the world, 41% of which are in the health and wellbeing domain.
  • Forum LLSA comprised of 38 members, all of which in the health and wellbeing domain.
  • EIT Health Living Labs, composed of 56 active Living Labs and an additional 37 that are in the process of joining, all of them in the health and wellbeing domain

By bringing together these three networks, VITALISE interconnects the majority of Living Labs across Europe, to cover all European geographical areas and beyond, across the spectrum of the Health and Wellbeing domain. The aim is to open up living lab infrastructures as a means to facilitate and promote research activities in the health and wellbeing domain in Europe and beyond by enabling in-person Transnational Access to seventeen living lab research infrastructures and supporting remote digital access to datasets (Virtual Access) of rehabilitation, transitional care and everyday life activities through harmonized processes and common tools. The project will also develop training methods towards the wider understanding and valorisation of Living Lab methodologies in the research community, such as a Fast Track Training service to researchers accessing our Living Labs from all over Europe and a Master Course for students eager to get the required knowledge and expertise to implement open innovation and Living Labs research and practice.

The first Edition of the VITALISE Summer School was held in Athens in July 2022 and focused on supporting researchers external to the project to improve their research by implementing the Living Lab methodologies and tools.

The second edition of the VITALISE Summer School in June 2023, will be devoted to support researchers, students, teachers and practitioners in implementing their own Living Lab project case by exploring the services provided by other researchers within the VITALISE Living Lab community, as well as in overcoming the usual challenges faced by Living Labbers. In order to do so, a series of case studies will be offered by the VITALISE teachers and researchers, who will support the development of hands-on cases for and with the participants to the Summer School.

Lectures with case studies will be combined with a practical approach to research through a series of hands-on workshops.

During registration to this summer school, participants will also have the opportunity to join a Bootcamp: 2 extra days (06 & 07 June 2023) of free training in Commercialization and Market Search. The Bootcamp will focus on a practical approach for understanding the path to market new products and services.

This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 101007990.

Irakurri gehiago


  • Support European researchers and students, as well as teachers and practitioners, to acquire knowledge about the Living Labs methodologies, opportunities, challenges and services that can help them improv their career within the Health and ICT sectors.
  • Contribute towards increasing access of external researchers, outside the VITALISE project, to research infrastructures made available by Living Labs around the world, with the ultimate goal of improving knowledge exchange and academic results.
  • Co-create services based on open innovation and Living Lab methodologies together with stakeholders from all over Europe by increasing sharing of experiences and expertise, regarding mainly the health & wellbeing sector, but also relevant to industrial and technological innovation overall.
Irakurri gehiago

Jarduera nori zuzenduta

  • Publiko orokorra


  • European Union


  • ENoLL; Project' Partners


Francesca Spagnoli

European Network of Living Labs


Diego Carvajal

leidy enriquez florez

Gorka Epelde Unanue

Jokin Garatea Gerrikagoitia


Jokin Garatea, director del departamento Internacional de Gaia, Asociación Cluster TEIC del País Vasco. Es Licenciado en Derecho por la Universidad de Deusto y Diplomado en Economía Comunitaria por el Instituto Hispano-Alemán. Especialista en Comercio Exterior por el Departamento de Economía Aplicada de la Universidad del País Vasco en colaboración con el Gobierno Vasco. Coordinador de Proyectos del Fondo Vasco Aquitano para proyectos de fomento de I+DT de PYMEs del sector electrónico, cofinanciado por el Gobierno Vasco. Es miembro del Consejo Asesor del EnoLL (Red Europea de LL) y vice presidente del Ocean LL Transfronterizo desde junio de este año.

Eva Kehayia

Evdokimos Konstantinidis

Despoina Petsani

Miguel Rujas

Teemu Santonen

Matrikula prezioak

Matrikula2023-06-02 arte


GAIA Bilbao

Uribitarte Kalea, 3 - 3, 48001 Bilbo



GAIA Bilbao

Uribitarte Kalea, 3 - 3, 48001 Bilbo


Sustainable development goals

2030 Agenda da nazioarteko garapenerako agenda berria. Nazio Batuen Erakundeak onartu zuen 2015eko irailean eta giza garapen jasangarriaren aldeko tresna eraginkorra izan nahi du planeta osoan. Haren zutabe nagusiak dira pobrezia errotik desagerraraztea, zaurgarritasunak eta desberdintasunak urritzea, eta jasangarritasuna bultzatzea. Aukera paregabea eskaintzen du mundua 2030. urtea baino lehen aldatzeko eta pertsona guztien giza eskubideak bermatzeko.

Garapen jasangarrirako helburuak

3 - Osasuna eta ongizatea

Bizitza osasuntsua bermatzea eta pertsona guztien ongizatea sustatzea, adin guztietan. Gai gakoak: osasun estaldura unibertsala, sexu eta ugalketa osasuna, trafikoagatik, poluzioagatik eta produktu kimikoengatik istripua izan duten pertsona kopurua txikitzea, amen eta jaioberrien heriotza tasa murriztea, HIESa bezalako epidemien amaiera, hepatitisari eta urak transmititutako gaixotasunei aurre egitea, drogen eta alkoholaren prebentzioa, tabakoaren kontrola.

Informazio gehiago
3 - Osasuna eta ongizatea

4 - Kalitatezko hezkuntza

Kalitatezko hezkuntza inklusiboa eta ekitatiboa bermatzea eta pertsona guztientzako etengabeko ikaskuntzarako aukerak sustatzea. Gai gakoak: doako irakaskuntza, bidezkoa eta kalitatezkoa, goi mailako prestakuntzarako berdintasunezko sarbidea, garapen jasangarrirako hezkuntza, desgaitasuna duten pertsonentzako hezkuntza instalazio egokiak, ikaskuntza ingurune seguruak, ez-bortitzak, inklusiboak eta eraginkorrak.

Informazio gehiago
4 - Kalitatezko hezkuntza

9 - Industria, berrikuntza eta azpiegitura

Azpiegitura erresilienteak eraikitzea, industrializazio inklusiboa eta jasangarria sustatzea, eta berrikuntza bultzatzea. Gai gakoak: azpiegitura fidagarriak, jasangarriak, erresilienteak eta kalitatezkoak, industrializazio inklusibo eta jasangarria, modernizazioa, teknologia eta prozesu industrial garbiak eta ingurumenaren aldetik arrazionalak, ikerketa zientifikoa eta gaitasun teknologikoaren hobekuntza, IKTetarako sarbide unibertsala.

Informazio gehiago
9 - Industria, berrikuntza eta azpiegitura

17 - Helburuak lortzeko aliantza

Garapen Jasangarrirako Munduko Aliantza ezartzeko eta biziberritzeko bitartekoak indartzea. Gai gakoak: baliabideen mobilizazioa, BPGren % 0,7 garapenerako laguntza ofizialerako, kanpo zorra, finantzak, teknologia eta berrikuntza arloko lankidetza, ekologikoki arrazionalak diren teknologiak, gaitasunak sortzea, alde anitzeko merkataritza sistema unibertsala, arau eta erakunde koherentzia, datuen eskuragarritasuna, zaintza, adierazleak eta kontu ematea.

Informazio gehiago
17 - Helburuak betetzeko aliantzak

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